Author Topic: Media Finds Nicest Possible Way to Describe Arson Threat Against Memories Pizza  (Read 415 times)

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Media Finds Nicest Possible Way to Describe Arson Threat Against Memories Pizza

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 1, 2015 @ 10:28 pm In The Point | No Comments

After such worthy notables as Apple CEO Tim Cook and the big boss of Walmart took the time to tell the peons that religious freedom was unacceptable, Memories Pizza, a Christian pizzeria, stated that it was still fond of the Bill of Rights.

Immediately the left (or as lefty media outlets like to collectively describe their hashtag collectivism ‘The Internet”) swarmed on the pizzeria, hacking its website, posting negative reviews and sending death threats. All this was described cheerfully in the media as high spirited activists having fun and adding to the conversation.

A threat of arson? “Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?”

ABC 57 “news director” Aaron Ramey called it “mean”. Arson certainly is mean. So is whitewashing is the way Ramey did.

Elkhart Truth’s Michelle Sokol dug deep into her big bag of euphemisms to describe an arson threat.

“A Concord High School coach has been suspended after she tweeted about arson… “

She tweeted about arson in the same sense that a guy shouting FIRE in a movie theater discussed the possibility of a flammable event.

“Jess Dooley, who is the head coach of the girls golf program and also an assistant coach with the softball and girls basketball programs, took to Twitter Wednesday, April 1, to voice her opinion about the RFRA.”

Her opinion involved arson. Also a call to commit arson.

“She was adding to the conversation about Memories Pizza…”

Her addition to the conversation. Arson.

Compare the coverage to the shrill front-paging of outraged victimhood when lefty figureheads like Anita Sarkeesian receive death threats. Those don’t get described as “voice opinions” or “adding to the conversation”.

The media only whitewashes those death threats it agrees with.

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