Author Topic: While Praising Killer Ted Kennedy, Obama Laments The Roll Of Money In Politics Then Goes To A DNC Fundraiser  (Read 469 times)

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While Praising Killer Ted Kennedy, Obama Laments The Roll Of Money In Politics Then Goes To A DNC Fundraiser

Brian Anderson 
March 30, 2015

This story is the democrats in a nutshell. It has everything liberal: selective memory, villain worship, hypocrisy, and a lack of self-awareness. President Obama gave a speech about noted misogynist Ted Kennedy today and openly complained about the influence of money and special interests on politics. Then, like the words he just spoke didn’t mean a thing, he whisked off to a DNC fundraiser.

Former US Senator Ted Kennedy is most famous for killing Mary Jo Kopechne in a drunk driving accident in 1969. He could have easily saved her life, but was more worried about covering his own ass so he left her to drown to death in a tidal channel in Chappaquiddick, MA. For some reason, it was thought the cold-blooded killer needed his own museum and so one was dedicated to him today.

Obama, like every liberal, bows before the Kennedy gods, and was on hand for the dedication. The Hill reports:

“His life’s work was not to champion those with wealth or power or connection,” Obama said at the dedication of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate.

Because when you think of the Kennedy clan, you never think about wealth, privilege, or elitism. Give me an effing break.

“It was to give voice to people who wrote and called him from every state desperate for someone that might listen and help,” continued Obama.

Oh, that’s the problem. Mary Jo should have sent Ted a note saying: “I’m still alive in the car. Come back and save me before I drown.”

Obama then made the laughable assertion that Ted Kennedy was above partisanship and ideology. For those too young to remember, Kennedy was the angriest, most divisive, and staunchly liberal guy the Senate ever had. The only time he reached across the aisle was to flip a middle finger to the Republicans.


“They were his cause: The sick child that couldn’t see a doctor; the young soldier sent to battle without armor; the citizen denied her rights because of what she looked like or where she came from or who she loves.”

…the drowning woman who couldn’t breath…

And then for the Obama moment of the day. The Prez said this:

“I think he regretted the arguments now made to cameras instead of colleagues, directed at a narrow base instead of the party politick as a whole, the outsized influence of money and special interests, and how it all leads more Americans to turn away in disgust and simply choose not to exercise their right to vote,” said Obama

After which, as reported by the White House press pool, the President did this:

The motorcade is waiting to depart for a Democratic National Committee fundraiser the president will be headlining, at a restaurant in Cambridge.

A DNC official, who asked for anonymity in order to discuss finance matters, provided this level of detail about the event: “On Monday, March 30th President Obama will attend a DNC roundtable in Boston, MA with approximately 30 supporters contributing up to $33,400.”

It was a good day for the democrats. Obama ignored history and praised a monster. He then rewrote some history and didn’t bat an eye as he shamelessly flaunted his hypocrisy. This celebration of Ted Kennedy shows perfectly how the democrats rely on ignorance, stupidity, and apathy to form their base.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 09:04:16 am by rangerrebew »