Author Topic: Oklahoma Beheader’s Imam Tells Students Islam is Peaceful  (Read 431 times)

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Oklahoma Beheader’s Imam Tells Students Islam is Peaceful
« on: March 28, 2015, 10:21:58 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Oklahoma Beheader’s Imam Tells Students Islam is Peaceful

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 27, 2015 @ 12:03 pm In The Point | No Comments

misconceptions cleared up

Alton Nolen, who liked Jihadists and beheadings, went on a beheading spree in Oklahoma. Now the Imam of the mosque he attended showed up to clear up misconceptions that Islam is violent.

Imad Enchassi, professor of Islamic Studies at Oklahoma City University, informed the audience with basic teaching and facts of Islam, starting with the fact that Muslims are not violent people.

That’s good to know.

Just imagine if all those beheadings and bombings were being carried out by truly violent people. Not peaceloving Muslims. And they are peaceloving…

Fighting is only allowed in situations of self defense and to combat persecution and oppression, Enchassi said.

Fun fact… those categories cover just about everything. ISIS is also fighting persecution and oppression. Failure to recognize the supremacy of Islam is considered a valid cause for Jihad.

The peaceful non-violent Jihad of course.

Enchassi said Muslims do not fight their enemies for the sake of their religion. The word “Jihad” means to strive and exert oneself, he said, not Holy War.

Really? The Koran must be confused then. And the Hadiths and the countless Islamic authorities.

“The word ‘peace’ is encompassed all around (Islam),” he said. “Islam promotes peace between nations based on justice and self respect.”

And it’s easy to see how peaceful Muslim nations are and how much peace they bring to the rest of the world.

But for Samir Elneser, a former OU student and former member of the OU Muslim Student Association, the most eye-opening segment of Enchassi’s lecture was his speech about how women are treated in Muslim culture.

“In Muslim culture, men have to treat their wives according the expectations of the wife,” he said. “I’m glad that he pointed that out.”

I guess Muslim wives expect to be beaten then, because that’s in the Koran. (Koran 4:34) Maybe it means a peacefully striving beating.

Meanwhile here’s a little background on our man of peace.

The Imam was Imad Enchassi the last I heard. He was a friend of mine. He is a Lebanese-born Sunni who hates Israel. He once gave a sermon that the Israelis were trying to collapse al-Aqsa mosque by digging tunnels underneath it. They have no issue with Palestinian suicide bombings because, as it was explained to me, that is the only weapon the Palestinians have.

But I’m sure they’re peaceful suicide bombings.

In response to a story on Pamela Geller’s ad campaign critical of Islamic terrorism, he posted that, “Hate speech and ads that crosses freedom of speech and encouraged violence ought to be illegal.”

Peacefully illegal.

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