Author Topic: Conservative Hero Matt Walsh Exposes “The Privilege Of Perpetual Victimhood”  (Read 888 times)

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Conservative Hero Matt Walsh Exposes “The Privilege Of Perpetual Victimhood”

V. Saxena 
March 24, 2015

My favorite conservative blogger ever in human history, Mr. Matt Walsh, just penned one of the most brilliant columns I have ever read. But before I get to his column, I need to give you a little background information.

Remember rap scum Azealia Banks? A few days ago, fellow Downtrend contributor Brian Anderson explained how she had recently ranted and raved about how much she hates “everything about this country,” especially “fat white Americans.” Note also that Azealia has in the past repeatedly blamed all of the black man’s problems on white supremacy and racism.

After Matt Walsh heard about her diatribe, he wrote a piece for TheBlaze in which he not only urged Azealia to get the hell out of our country, but he also turned the “white supremacy” blame game back on her:

Do you know who is most responsible for the continued struggles of blacks in America? You, Ms. Banks. You and people like you. You are the problem. You are at fault. You pad your bottom line by promoting all of the worst attitudes and behaviors. If a black girl in the inner city takes your music to heart, she’ll stay poor, and she’ll stay in the inner city, and eventually she’ll be dead or in jail or collecting welfare while raising six kids by six different deadbeats.

Azealia responded to Matt’s spot-on and poignant column by tweeting him an extraordinarily gross picture of her baggy genitals:

Azealia Banks Gross Vagina

Walsh responded by again writing another brilliant column. This time he laid into the staggering double standard that permits liberal scum like Azealia Banks to get away with spewing vile racist garbage and sending sexually harassing tweets without attracting an iota of attention from the liberal mainstream media:

The double standard is so bad that it isn’t a double standard at all. For progressives — particularly women, particularly minority women — there is simply no standard to speak of. As we’ve seen demonstrated this past week and countless times before, if you have the right ideology (and it helps to have the right gender and skin color), you can say whatever you want. Really, whatever you want. I mean, anything you want, seriously. You are untouchable. You will not be condemned by society. The media will leave you alone. Your bottom line will be unaffected. There will be no boycotts, no resistance, no blow back of any severity or significance.

Exactly right! Can you imagine how the liberal mainstream media would react were a white man to say he hates fat black people!? What if he then tweeted a picture of his genitals to a black woman!?

In the words of John Lennon, “Just imagine!”

But the question still remains — why are liberals permitted to get away with this garbage?


Matt contends that they are allowed to do this because they possess “the privilege of Perpetual Victimhood, a status that affords infinite entitlements and endless excuses.”

Basically, those who possess this privilege (namely minorities and women) are afforded full immunity from the wrongs they commit because they purportedly lack any “power”:

Never mind that she’s a presumably well-off celebrity. Blacks and women have no power. Never mind that a black guy is the most powerful man on Earth. Blacks and women have no power. Oprah herself has no power, apparently. Even if they have power, they don’t have power. It’s just the way it is, whether it is this way or not.

As a Southeast Asian minority who suffers from high-functioning autism (and thus extreme levels of social anxiety and isolation), I personally find the victimhood mentality of these well-off hoity toity elites to be utterly exasperating.

They think that being black or being a woman or being any other sort of liberal schmuck somehow affords their personal plights and tribulations more rank and pertinence than the woes and misfortunes of everybody else — everybody else’s character and conditions and whatever be damned!

To hell with the fact that Matt Walsh is a husband, a father and a nice guy, because the fact that Azealia Banks is a black woman means that she may treat him in whatever which way she so desires!

And to hell with the fact that as an autistic minority, I have had to jump the exact same hurdles as women and most other minorities, because the fact that I now abide by strict conservative values and norms means liberals may freely dismiss my past and denounce me as a cruel and ignorant racist, bigot and monster.

It is infuriating — it is exasperating — and it is also completely unacceptable!

But it is also part of the “privilege of Perpetual Victimhood,” a contemporary phenomenon propped up by Hollywood, by Democrats and by our own president, Barack Hussein Obama.

And it is not apt to disappear anytime soon. If anything, I fear that the number of Americans who carry this privilege with them is very likely to keep increasing.

Let’s just hope that like a bubble, this privilege one day POPS!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 10:34:29 am by rangerrebew »