Author Topic: Why Would Anybody Want To Celebrate American Pride In LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS?  (Read 268 times)

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Why Would Anybody Want To Celebrate American Pride In LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS?

Posted By Jim Treacher On 2:42 PM 03/24/2015 In | No Comments

Note to everyone who fought and died to make America an independent nation: We haven’t forgotten you. Yet.

WHDH, Boston:

A debate over a themed dance is sparking controversy at Lexington High School.

Students said the administration canceled an “American Pride” dance because it excluded other nationalities, despite the theme getting the most votes from the dance committee…

“Given the diverse demography of our community it was suggested by the advisers that the students come maybe national pride theme so they could represent their individual nationalities,” Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski said.

The shot heard ’round the world: problematic?

The school now says it was all a big mixup, seriously you guys, and the “American Pride” dance will go on as planned.

I’ve never understood that mindset, though. If I moved to another country — let’s say Canada, if that even counts — and my local high school held a “Canadian Pride” dance, it wouldn’t even occur to me to question it as I lurked outside peeping in the windows. They have the right to be proud of their country, even if it is only Canada.

But showing pride in being an American citizen? That’s yucky. That’s not inclusive. Hell, if you stop and don’t think about it, that’s pretty damn racist.

Just ask Carol Pilarski. These deep thoughts are just what Massachusetts taxpayers ordered. Second look at the Tea Party?

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