Author Topic: Kirsten Gillibrand: Don’t Blame The Victim Of A Rape That Never Happened For Reporting A Rape That Never Happened  (Read 276 times)

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Kirsten Gillibrand: Don’t Blame The Victim Of A Rape That Never Happened For Reporting A Rape That Never Happened

Posted By Jim Treacher On 3:18 PM 03/24/2015 In | No Comments

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has a history of calling people rapists without any proof. If she hears a rape accusation, she assumes it’s true. She skips niceties like “allegedly.” The way she sees it: If the accused isn’t guilty, why does he stand accused? Due process is for ladies only.

She’s not about to stop now, even after the UVA gang-rape case has been revealed as an utter hoax. Joseph Spector, Journal News:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who is pushing for stronger laws against rapes on college campuses, today warned against people criticizing the woman at the center of a University of Virginia sexual assault case…

“Victim blaming or shining the spotlight on her for coming forward is not the right approach,” Gillibrand said on “The Capitol Pressroom,” a public radio show in Albany. “In fact, what we have to focus on is how do we keep these campuses safe? How do we have better trained personnel on campuses so they can tell a survivor what her options are and so they can have all the facts?”

Gillibrand said it would be wrong for some to call on the female student in the UVA scandal to face criminal charges.

“I think it’s inappropriate,” she said.

Punishing false accusations of rape would only discourage actual rape victims from stepping forward, you see. We must protect women, even if they’re lying. They’re victims because they say so, and we must not be swayed by mere evidence to the contrary.

Those frat bros probably had it coming anyway. If you think those guys are innocent until proven guilty, you hate women. Go ahead, deny it. That just serves as further proof of your misogyny, misogynist.

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