Author Topic: Muslim Convert Jailed After Declaring Islamic State of Ireland and Britain  (Read 331 times)

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Muslim Convert Jailed After Declaring Islamic State of Ireland and Britain

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 22, 2015 @ 10:39 pm In The Point | 1 Comment

Brusthom Ziamani was a man with a plan. Since he had converted to Islam, the plan predictably involved killing a whole bunch of people.

He had told his ex-girlfriend in graphic detail hours before his arrest of his intention to behead a soldier on the streets of the capital. He changed his name to Mujahid Karim and looked up to extremist preachers such as Anjem Choudhary, the co-founder with Omar Bakri Muhammed and Abu Hamza.

During the two week trial the court heard how he had shown his then girlfriend a hammer and 12-inch knife and boasted of a terrorist attack to “kill soldiers.”

In one letter found by police at his flat he wrote: “You want war, you got it. British soldiers’ head will be removed and burned. U (corr) cannot defeat Muslims. We love to die the way you live.”

In the first he wrote that: “I will wage war against the British Government on this soil. (It) will have a taste of there own medicine. They will be humiliated. This is ISIB Islamic States of Ireland and Britain.”

He also wrote: “you people will never be safe” adding “we will send you all to hell fire, you want war, let’s kill them, slaughter hem and implement sharia in our lands and UK. Kill every gay, every shia, every les.”

On another sheet he wrote: “Lee Rigby is burnin in hell. Woow I’m dying, good for him, this is what you get for voting Cameron and democracy, my brothers who are Lee Rigby’s killers are in prison getting food clothes and shelter and its being paid for by Lee Rigby’s family HAHA.”

And now he’ll be spending 22 years getting food, clothes and shelter paid for by Lee Rigby’s family. A pity the UK doesn’t have that barbaric Yank death penalty.

But don’t worry. This is just one of those “twisted” interpretations of Islam that takes it literally.

His postings on Facebook and text messages showed Ziamani, now 19, had “totally absorbed the twisted interpretation of the Holy Koran that is the hallmark of the fanatical Islamic terrorist,” Judge Timothy Pontius said in sentencing remarks.

Here’s the twister interpretation of Islam that Karim quoted in his letter.

“Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know” (Quran 2:216)

That by the way comes from the Hilaly-Khan translation which is distributed by our Saudi allies. If that’s a twisted interpretation, then the Saudis must be twisted too. And they’re our “moderate” allies who keep trying to “reform” Jihadists. So that can’t be it.

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