Author Topic: Muslim groups condemn Jindal for suggesting US bans anyone who would practice Sharia law  (Read 458 times)

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Muslim groups condemn Jindal for suggesting US bans anyone who would practice Sharia law

March 21, 2015 by Michael Dorstewitz 0 Comments


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal fired back at Muslim support groups that accused the Republican of “fearmongering” for proposing earlier this week a ban on those who support radical Islam.

He appeared on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File” and emphasized that while “there are many Muslims who are proud patriotic Americans,” his only target are “those who want to use our freedoms to undermine the freedoms of others.”


Kelly began her cross examination.

“Who decides how far into Sharia law you have to be?’ she asked. “Who decides who’s a radical Islamist and who’s just an Islamist?”

Jindal said the line had to be drawn when one person’s beliefs infringe upon the freedoms and beliefs of another.

“You don’t have the right to come here and say, for example, that you think women should be treated as second class citizens,” he told Kelly. “You don’t have the right to say others don’t have the same freedoms we give to you.”

The brouhaha erupted when Jindal told the American Action Forum, a conservative think tank, that the United States is “at war with radical Islam,” and suggested U.S. immigration policy be modified to exclude those who would do us harm, The Guardian reported.

“In the west I believe we have a responsibility to insist that those coming into our societies, those that come to our country, assimilate or integrate,” he told the group in his address Monday.

“So in other words we shouldn’t tolerate those who want to come and try to impose some variant of, some version of Sharia law,” Jindal said. “I fear if we don’t insist on” assimilation,” he said, “we then go the way of Europe.”

Major European capitals have been plagued with “no-go zones” in which non-Muslims are not welcome and its residents practice their own brand of justice rooted in Sharia law.

It didn’t take long for the Muslim community to react.

“Do we want to protect our country from people who want to do us harm? Absolutely. But you look at criminal activity, not thought,” said Corey Saylor of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to International Business Times.

“It’s an unfortunate reality that some politicians will pick on minorities rather than offer solutions to the economic and real national security issues our country faces.”

Haris Tarin, the director of the Washington office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council accused Jindal of “fearmongering.”

“This is another one of those issues where he is using fear to garner votes and the latest in a line of remarks he has made over the past few months to try to seem relevant for the 2016 elections.”

I have no idea whether or not Jindal plans to mount a 2016 presidential campaign. For that matter, I doubt that Jindal himself knows.

But I have no doubt of his sincerity in not wanting to see sections of New Orleans emulate the “no-go” zones of Paris and London.

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