Author Topic: Australia Muslim Married Off 12-Year-Old Daughter Because She Hit Puberty  (Read 225 times)

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Australia Muslim Married Off 12-Year-Old Daughter Because She Hit Puberty

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 20, 2015 @ 11:36 am In The Point | 7 Comments

Don’t worry, he was a moderate Muslim. Mohammed, the founder of Islam, married a 6-year-old girl. Our moderate Muslims here waited until she was 12.

We should be pleased at how moderate they are. So much better than the extremists who wouldn’t have waited until she was twelve to rape her.

The story is that an Australian man with drug issues converted to Islam. He decided to marry off his 12-year-old daughter to a 26-year-old Muslim migrant through the services of Imam Muhammad Riaz Tasawar, from Pakistan, of the Islamic Center of Newcastle.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was charged with one count of persistent sexual abuse of a child, the girl was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and then miscarried in February after complaining of abdominal pain.

The girl, now 13, didn’t want to marry the student because of the 14 year age gap but the man bombarded her with text messages after he first laid eyes on her in a mosque in November 2013, court papers stated.

Muslim sex grooming colonialism is common in the West. It’s widespread in the UK. But the rapist got greedy and applied for spousal benefits for his “wife”.

An alleged underage marriage was uncovered this week when a 12-year-old child bride and her 26-year-old husband tried to apply for spousal benefits, according to government sources.

Centrelink sources say the girl was removed from the home she shared with her 26-year-old “husband” hours after enquiring about what support would be available to a spousal visa holder on Wednesday morning.

Sometimes evil is also really stupid.

The father however had a perfectly good Islamic reason for participating in this Rape Jihad.

The court heard he consented to the wedding, in January 2014, despite opposition from his daughter’s mother, after discovering his daughter had begun menstruating and becoming interested in boys.

‘By her getting married he was stopping the sin of extramarital sex,’ Ms Herbert said.

Islam. Such a moral religion. And what happened to the Imam?

The imam who performed the ceremony pleaded guilty to solemnising the marriage and was fined $500.

$500. That’s what that little girl was worth to the court. How Islamic of them.

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