Author Topic: Loretta Lynch flayed as 'Eric Holder in skirt'  (Read 333 times)

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Loretta Lynch flayed as 'Eric Holder in skirt'
« on: March 20, 2015, 12:23:46 am »

Loretta Lynch flayed as 'Eric Holder in skirt'

Gun groups warn of nominee's potential impact on 2nd Amendment

Published: 6 hours ago
Loretta Lynch, the president’s pick for attorney general of the United States – and one that’s been fielding fire from a variety of sources in recent days – has a new detractor: The lobby arm of the National Rifle Association.

The NRA sent out an alert to its members about the potential for Lynch, if confirmed, to put at risk Second Amendment rights, The Hill reported.

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“As the nation’s top law enforcement officer, Lynch would almost certainly have an impact on our Second Amendment rights,” the NRA lobby group said in the alert.

Specifically, the gun rights group said Lynch is more than likely to support the same controls and regulations embraced by the outgoing Eric Holder.

“Given her close personal and professional ties to this lawless administration, gun owners fully expect her to be Eric Holder 2.0,” said Dudley Brown, president of the National Association for Gun Rights, in The Hill.

The NAGR has pulled together more than 170,000 signatures to oppose Lynch’s nomination, and will be delivering the petition to various Senate offices. And one spokesman for the organization, Joseph Neville, said in The Hill that senators are feeling the pressure.

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“Disgraced anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder is calling it quits. But make no mistake, Obama is determined to ram through his gun control agenda and has hand-picked Loretta Lynch,” the petition reads, in part.

Gun Owners of America has gotten in on the act, too, and is drafting a letter of opposition to Lynch’s nomination to Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, the news outlet said. That letter dubs Lynch an”Eric Holder in a skirt,” The Hill reported.

As WND has reported on previous occasions, the drumbeat on Capitol Hill for another attorney general pick – not Lunch – is growing louder.