Author Topic: Sociology Prof at Penn State Smoked on a Plane to Denounce US Imperialism  (Read 450 times)

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Sociology Prof at Penn State Smoked on a Plane to Denounce US Imperialism

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 18, 2015 @ 9:14 am In The Point | 51 Comments


Dr. Karen Halnon is a crazy person typical leftist who thinks the CIA gave Hugo Chavez cancer (Nope, that was Cuban medicine) and was busted after smoking on an airplane while yelling about Hugo Chavez because she’s a symbolic revolutionary.

Listen, the point is, I am a sociologist, and I live in an intellectual world. A sociologist always thinks in terms of symbols. And every revolutionary I know smokes. It was identifying with the revolutionary cause. And then, beyond that, it is a symbol that the United States is a smoking gun. The action was necessary. They are going to kill many more people.

Halnon’s expertise consists of such works as… “Women’s Agency In Hysteria and Its Treatment.” and “The Power of 420″.

“I’m very knowledgable about that part of the world. I teach about U.S. imperialism in Latin America. And the U.S. has declared war against Venezuela. That means military aggression. They tried to take out Hugo with a coup, and then they took him out with cancer,” Halnon said.

It gets worse from there.


It is my opinion — and Fidel agrees with me …

As in Castro?

Yes, Fidel agrees with me that the CIA had some involvement in giving him cancer, and so he died very sadly. And now Nicolas Maduro is the president and the U.S. somehow thinks this is a better position for the U.S. now.

It’s not?
 No, what they don’t realize is that Maduro is carrying on the revolution. It’s not like Raul in Cuba. There is every intention of carrying on the revolution. Fifty more years.

 What is the revolution revolting against?

The problem is U.S. military global domination. And they want the oil. And they want the water. And so I found that this act was a necessary Thoreau-like act of civil disobedience. I had to speak out now. The situation is dire and urgent, and any sacrifice I make for my own self, if it saves lives — there have been far too many lives lost due to U.S. global military domination.

Meanwhile Halnon apparently picked up some revolutionary stomach condition down in Cuba.

“I have a stomach condition. Everything that comes in goes out. I’ve been like that for months since I left Cuba. I’ve lost over 30 pounds.”

Cuba is a Third World country with, despite leftie claims, Third World standards of hygiene and disease. Those evil and stupid enough to visit Castro’s little hell often come back sicker than they arrived.

Some people would look at that video and wonder if you were under the influence of a substance. And I know you pleaded guilty in 2013 in Horsham Township to public drunkenness. Do you have a substance abuse issue?

No. I do not have a substance abuse issue. I have had many sufferings in my life, but no. I had a little bottle of wine on the plane that I mixed with apple and cranberry juice over three drinks. A spritzer, if you will. But I wasn’t drunk. I don’t need alcohol to protest. This is my life.

I am passionate about being an anti-imperialist.

Isn’t it about time we filed Sociology together with Phrenology and got its practitioners nice plane seats to North Korea. They’re passionate anti-imperialists there too.

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