Author Topic: Muslim Brotherhood Student Leader in Missouri Demands Ban of “American Sniper”  (Read 643 times)

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Muslim Brotherhood Student Leader in Missouri Demands Ban of “American Sniper”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 17, 2015 @ 10:02 am In The Point | 26 Comments

The Muslim Student Organization is the University of Missouri version of the MSA which is a Brotherhood front. Now one of their former leaders is calling for a ban on American Sniper because it makes her feel “unsafe”.  (via Religion of Peace)

“This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind,” student Farah El-Jayyousi, former president of the Muslim Student Organization, had stated.

She made the comments in a letter to the editor to The Maneater earlier this month, denouncing the decision to show the blockbuster – the highest grossing film of 2014. El-Jayyousi accused the movie of dehumanizing Muslims and glorifying the murder of Iraqis, and referred to Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL featured in the film, as “a killer with no regard for human life.”

“I do not feel safe on this campus and for good reason. The fact that this film is being shown, the fact that I have to explain why this film is not only problematic but harmful makes me feel even more unsafe. Showing this film will create an even more hostile environment for me and other Arab, Muslim, South Asian and people of color on this campus.”

But don’t worry, this isn’t censorship. (It is.)

“Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus. Freedom of speech should not come at the expense of anyone’s humanity and right to be viewed, talked about and treated with basic respect and dignity.”

Except Jewish students, who are repeatedly targeted by the MSAs, and soldiers whom Farah denounced as “killers with no regard for human life.”

What does MSO consider appropriate? Suhaib Webb.

Webb had been an associate of Anwar Al-Awlaki, a senior Al Qaeda propagandist killed by a September 30, 2011, American drone strike in Yemen. Webb appeared with Al-Awlaki two days before September 11, 2001, at a fundraiser for the legal defense of H. Rap Brown, an Atlanta Muslim later convicted of shooting two Georgia police officers.  The Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group, meanwhile, runs ISBCC.

Webb “is hailed as a moderate,” anonymously wrote a former Muslim convert who attended ISGOC. Webb, though, “explicitly told me that according to Islam, three choices are to be given to non-Muslims: convert, pay the jizyah tax and live under Islamic rule, or jihad.”

Students at U of M are getting an opportunity to live under Islamic rule.

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