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DHS: $484 million, 3,000 bureaucrats needed for amnesty



Lifetime retirement costs of illegals estimated at $1.3 trillion
Published: 4 hours ago. Updated: 03/17/2015 at 12:32 PM


If President Obama’s deferred deportation goals for illegals are allowed to go forth, the cost to taxpayers to hire the necessary number of immigration officials to process the paperwork could hit the $484 million mark – and that’s per year.

Basically, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency would have to hire about 3,100 new employees, and their payroll costs could prove substantial, Infowars reported, citing information from a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Operational costs for the whole agency would increase from the added immigrant processing work, too.

The USCIC spokesperson at the hearing said “planning was based on the assumption that 60 percent of all individuals who may be considered for DACA or DAPA would elect to file a request.”

Chances are, however, more than 60 percent would try to tap into the amnesty-type benefit, and than means costs to the taxpayers could hike higher.

“Should that initial planning estimate hold true and the injunction were lifted, USCIS might ultimately need to increase its hiring plan up to a total of 3,100 new employees at an annual cost of $184.3 million, and total program costs of between $324 million and $484 million per year,” the agency spokesperson said, Infowars reported.

DAPA stands for Deferred Action to Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents and DACA, for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. Both are pet projects of Obama; detractors of the plans describe them as clearcut amnesty programs.

But that estimated $484 million taxpayer burden isn’t the only cost to come from Obama’s amnesty dreams.

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the Herigage Foundation, released a report to Breitbart News that he was due to give to Congress and among his findings: The lifetime price tag to provide the necessary Social Security and Medicare benefits for DAPA and DACA illegals is more than a trillion dollars.

The specific number he arrived at was $1.3 trillion.

He also said that Obama’s amnesty will only fuel more amnesty – and that means more costs to the taxpayer.

“[Amnesty] will encourage increased illegal immigration in the future, imposing further costs on taxpayers,” he said, in an advance copy of his upcoming testimony to Congress.


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