Author Topic: Team McConnell Struggles To Defend Decision To Bring Loretta Lynch Up For A Vote  (Read 334 times)

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Team McConnell Struggles To Defend Decision To Bring Loretta Lynch Up For A Vote

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t have to bring U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama’s nominee to serve as the next Attorney General of the United States, up on the Senate floor for a vote next week—or ever—if he doesn’t want her confirmed. But he’s doing it anyway, even though just four Senate Republicans have said they’ll vote for her—and even their support for her is questionable at this point.

McConnell’s office has struggled to defend the Majority Leader’s decision—which flies in the face of a pre-election promise to not allow any attorney general nominee who supports Obama’s executive amnesty.

McConnell’s spokesman Don Stewart repeatedly refused to answer when Breitbart News asked him why the leader plans to bring Lynch’s nomination up for a floor vote next week. He also refused to state whether McConnell himself—even though he’s bringing up Lynch for a vote—will personally vote for Lynch, something that would be a direct violation of the pre-election promise McConnell made to voters.

“He’ll speak on her next week—assuming Dems end their filibuster of the anti-trafficking bill,” Stewart said, refusing to answer where the Majority Leader himself stands and why he’s even bringing her up for a vote when he doesn’t have to. “McConnell is the leader of a majority in the Senate,” Daniel Horowitz, the Conservative Review’s senior editor, told Breitbart News.

 He could easily refuse to bring Lynch up for confirmation and actually stand for conservative values. However, McConnell always likes taking the path of least resistance. In this case, simply allowing Lynch to come for a vote, but personally opposing her, allows him to win the best of both worlds: avoid any confrontation with Obama but preserve his conservative bona fides.

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