Author Topic: Archbishop of Canterbury: Religion Needs to be More “Exciting” to Compete with Jihad  (Read 309 times)

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Archbishop of Canterbury: Religion Needs to be More “Exciting” to Compete with Jihad

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 13, 2015 @ 11:07 am In The Point | 58 Comments

Beheadings after bingo night would certainly liven things up and bring in the kids.

Young people are turning to Jihad because mainstream religion is not “exciting” enough, according to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Most Rev Justin Welby told faith leaders that Britain’s religious communities must do more to provide an alternative to extremism which gives young people a “purpose in life”.

What purpose could that possibly be?

The Most Rev Justin Welby told a gathering of faith leaders that part of the problem was that too often discussions involved “nice people talking to nice people about being nice” and called for dialogue with those branded extremists.

Or compete with them for excitement by beheading them?

I do wonder though if the Archbishop would be willing to dialogue with the EDL or is this offer only open to un-nice people branded extremist of the Muslim faith?

How is “nice people talking to nasty people about how it’s not their fault that they’re nasty” really going to bring in anyone? Religion either provides certainty or it provides nothing. When religious leaders are unclear about the value of their values, they make things like Islam into the alternative by default.

“We Anglicans, and we Christians, know a great deal about killing each other for purportedly religious reasons. We have no great mount of righteousness on which to stand, from which to judge the rest of the world,” the Archbishop said.

How about a mount of survival? The surviving Christians of the Middle East could explain that one to him.

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