Author Topic: Muslim Man with Terrorist Sympathies Arrested in Kentucky – Gives Terrifying Warning to America!  (Read 252 times)

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Muslim Man with Terrorist Sympathies Arrested in Kentucky – Gives Terrifying Warning to America!

By Onan Coca   / 13 March 2015   / 4 Comments   

20-year old Christopher Cornell, or as he calls himself, Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, was recently arrested in an FBI sting in Kentucky, attempting to buy two rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition for an attack he was planning on Washington, D.C. Cornell’s reasons for the attack are all religious in nature. He says that he a Muslim convert with sympathies to ISIS, and that America deserves to be punished for our terrible actions against Islam.

That in and of itself is a bit scary…

But things got even more worrisome after Cornell’s arrest.

After Cornell, who is from Ohio, was arrested in Kentucky, he made several phone calls to the local TV station WXIX. Over the course of their interview/conversations Cornell said some very scary things.

 Cincinnati News, FOX19-WXIX TV

 “I got orders from the brothers overseas because I’m with the Islamic State. My brothers over there, in Syria and Iraq, gave me specific orders to carry out jihad in the west, so I did so.”

“There will be many, many attacks. Like I said, we are ready for the battle over the Capitol.”

christopher-cornellWhen his interviewer asked what he had planned to do after buying his rifles and ammo, Cornell told her he was headed straight to Washington, D.C.

“What would I have done? I would have took my gun, I would have put it to Obama’s head and I would have pulled the trigger. Then I would have released more bullets on the Senate and the House of Representative members, and I would have attacked the Israeli embassy and various other buildings full of kafir [non-Muslims] who want to wage war against us Muslims and shed our blood. That’s what would happen.”

Like any other cowardly terrorist, he also had no desire to take the blame for his own actions. Instead, he laid the blame for his planned violence at the feet of the USA and of Israel.

“Yes, they might say I’m a terrorist, but we see the American troops as terrorists as well, coming to our lands, invading, stealing our resources and killing our people, raping our women. Have you seen the photos and videos of the innocent children being killed, bodies upon bodies, stacked inside the back of a truck? You know, that’s what’s happening to our kids. America is funding and giving weapons to Israel. Israel is using these weapons to kill our children in Palestine every single day.”

Perhaps the scariest bit of info that Cornell had to share with WXIX was that ISIS was already here in the US and they were getting ready to wreak havoc… in every state across the country.
“We are pretty strong. Yes, yes. In every state like I said. We’re in Texas. We’re in Ohio. We’re in New York City. We’re in Washington, DC. We’re in every single state you can name, just about.”

When will Obama learn that the dual threat of illegal immigration and radical Islamic terrorism must be faced and must be dealt with?

Hopefully it won’t be too late…