Author Topic: Senator Kerry Undermined Reagan w/Communists, in “Utter Disbelief” Senators Challenged Obama on Iran  (Read 587 times)

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Senator Kerry Undermined Reagan w/Communists, in “Utter Disbelief” Senators Challenged Obama on Iran

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 11, 2015 @ 4:01 pm In The Point | 89 Comments


Secretary of State John Kerry had harsh words for Republican senators over their letter to Iranian leaders with words of warning over any nuclear deal with the White House.

“My reaction to the letter was utter disbelief,” Kerry said during his testimony in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday morning. “During my 29 years here in the Senate, I have never heard of–nor even heard of it being proposed–anything comparable to this.”

“If I had, I can guarantee that no matter who was president of what the issue was and no matter who the president was, I would have certainly rejected it,” Kerry, who once served as the Foreign Relations Committee chair during his Senate tenure, continued.

Kerry’s amnesia is kicking in again. Must be that time from Cambodia. We’ll skip over his dalliance with Madam Nguyen and the Viet Cong.

Kerry met with representatives from “both delegations” of the Vietnamese in Paris in 1970, according to Kerry’s own testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 22, 1971. But Kerry’s meetings with the Vietnamese delegations were in direct violation of laws forbidding private citizens from negotiating with foreign powers, according to researcher and author Jerry Corsi, who began studying the anti-war movement in the early 1970s.

According to Corsi, Kerry violated U.S. code 18 U.S.C. 953. “A U.S. citizen cannot go abroad and negotiate with a foreign power,” Corsi told

But Kerry wasn’t in the Senate then. Here’s how Kerry kicked it back in the Senate.

Only months after he was sworn in, Kerry joined Harkin on an infamous trip to Managua, to meet with Comandante Ortega… The trip, moreover, occurred a few days before a key vote in Congress on Contra aid — the bill proposed to send $14 million in humanitarian assistance to those anti-Communist rebels.

Said Kerry, “Senator Harkin and I are going to Nicaragua as Vietnam-era veterans who are alarmed that the Reagan administration is repeating the mistakes we made in Vietnam. Our foreign policy should represent the democratic values that have made our country great, not subvert those values by funding terrorism to overthrow governments of other countries.” Note that, certainly by implication, the senator characterized the Contra resistance as “terrorism.”

Those fits of outrage that lefties are suddenly having over the GOP Iran letter, the argument that Senators have no right to interfere in foreign policy, all of those were made up in the last 5 minutes.

Kerry didn’t merely send a letter. He worked with a foreign enemy Marxist government to subvert President Reagan’s policy.

Senators Kerry and Harkin returned to Washington with a kind of peace plan — Ortega was saying, Cut off all aid to the Contras, engage in bilateral talks with us, and we’ll call a cease-fire and restore civil liberties. Kerry hailed this as “a wonderful opening.”

The Reagan administration was not impressed — in fact, it fumed. The State Department made clear that the Sandinistas had to talk to the Contras themselves, not to Washington: “Without such a dialogue, a cease-fire is meaningless — essentially a call for the opposition to surrender. The opposition is asked to accept Sandinista consolidation of a Marxist-Leninist order in Nicaragua.”

Secretary Shultz decried “self-appointed emissaries to the Communist regime” in Managua, and said, “We cannot conduct a successful policy when [such people] take trips or write ‘Dear Comandante’ letters with the aim of negotiating.”

Henry Kissinger added, “If the Nicaraguans want to make an offer, they ought to make it through diplomatic channels. We can’t be negotiating with our own congressmen and Nicaragua simultaneously.”

In the end, the trip backfired. Not long after the senators left him, Ortega flew off to Moscow, to affirm his alliance with the Soviets. Democratic leaders — Tip O’Neill in particular — were embarrassed.

But let’s not forget that the Sandanistas did have some great songs.

The Sandinista anthem called the “Yankee” the enemy of mankind and a year before Kerry’s visit, Daniel Ortega had threatened the United States with war while crowds of his supporters had chanted, “Here or There, Yankees Will Die Everywhere.”

“Here or There, Yankees Will Die Everywhere” is also coincidentally the foreign policy of the Obama administration.

And we’re not even getting into Kerry undermining President Bush by chatting up Assad.

We could just do a coffee table book of photos of Kerry committing treason. It would be a big hit in San Francisco.

But Kerry, like Biden, is amping up the fake outrage and pretending to be upset that Senators sent a warning letter to a foreign government, when he was writing to Dear Comandante.

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