Author Topic: Floperoo: ‘Cover Oregon’ Obamacare Exchange Officially Goes Belly Up  (Read 292 times)

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Floperoo: ‘Cover Oregon’ Obamacare Exchange Officially Goes Belly Up

Posted By Michael Walsh On March 7, 2015 @ 4:14 pm In Disasters,Obamacare | 5 Comments

It’s over:

Oregon abolishes its hopelessly bungled health insurance exchange

A bill dissolving Cover Oregon, the state’s dysfunctional health insurance exchange, has been signed by Gov. Kate Brown.The measure, which had bipartisan support, transfers responsibilities for the Oregon exchange to the state Department of Consumer and Business Services.

The decision was announced in a nine-word tweet from Brown’s account, which said simply: “This afternoon I signed Senate Bill 1 into law.” She signed the legislation Friday.

And just how big of a Barrycare bomb was it?

Cover Oregon was plagued by problems almost from its onset. No Oregonian was ever able to enroll online in a private plan under the Affordable Care Act because the state exchange never had a functioning website, forcing insurance seekers to file paper applications. In April, state officials voted unanimously to switch over to the federal health insurance exchange,, citing the high cost of trying to fix the problematic state marketplace. The Oregon exchange had cost the state $248 million.

Oh well, at least it left us with a great song. Seriously, though, that idiotic video tells you all you need to know about how the simple-minded Left thinks about just about everything.

Article printed from The PJ Tatler:

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