Author Topic: Unarmed Black Teen Shot By Cop Had Criminal History  (Read 357 times)

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Unarmed Black Teen Shot By Cop Had Criminal History
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:11:04 am »
Unarmed Black Teen Shot By Cop Had Criminal History
by Whoopie • 8 March, 2015 • Crime, Culture, Politics • 1 Comment   


The unarmed Wisconsin 19-year-old who was shot and killed by a veteran white Madison cop pleaded guilty to an armed robbery last year, court records show.

Tony Robinson, who was shot on Friday night after an altercation in which Officer Matt Kenny, 45, was knocked down by a blow to the head, recently began serving a three-year probation for the conviction.

The teenager was arrested last April after an armed home invasion in Madison, when police were called at 6am after a neighbor ‘spotted several men, one of them with an armed long gun, entering an apartment building’, according to police records.

Family members and neighbors have described Robinson as a ‘beautiful kid’ and that he ‘wouldn’t hurt a fly’.

Police reached the apartment ‘just as the robbery was ending’, and found the five 18-year-old suspects fleeing with ‘electronics and other property’, a shotgun and a facsimile handgun, according to the Smoking Gun.

It is unclear at to whether or not Robinson was in possession of one of the guns at the time.

Robinson pleaded guilty to armed robbery in October and was sentenced to six months in jail but a judge stayed the execution of the custodial term. He began serving a three-year probation period in December.

‘My son has never been a violent person. And to die in such a violent, violent way, it baffles me,’ said Andrea Irwin, who told WKOW-TV on Friday night she is Robinson’s mother.

Robinson’s Twitter account included posts about drugs and an ankle monitor he wore when he was released on bond after the armed robbery arrest, according the the Smoking Gun.

Much more:

Here we go with the “Gentle Giant” crapola again, this time exacerbated by all the “Selma nostalgia” whipped up by racial racketeers.

I suppose if this “innocent, unarmed child” hadn’t been “mercilessly gunned down by a racist white cop” they’d have had to manufacture an incident on the anniversary of the Selma march just for propaganda sake.

What we’ve really been treated to since Trayvon is the ‘black privilege’ shakedown. Whitey has to be kept on the defensive and in a constant state of guilt if black shyster reverends like Al Sharpton want to keep riding that gravy train.

Likewise, blacks have to be spoon fed the notion that they’re entitled to spend their lives living the thug life and menacing society without consequence because, civil rights!

I just wanna know how much longer are we going to let these ignorant people play us for fools?