Author Topic: Organization of Islamic Cooperation Denounces Parkinlotism, Blames Islamic Terrorism on McCarthyism  (Read 428 times)

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation Denounces Parkinlotism, Blames Islamic Terrorism on McCarthyism

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 7, 2015 @ 11:25 am In The Point | 19 Comments

Iyad Abdullah Ameen Madni is the first Saudi to head up the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the UN’s Islamic coalition. His education consists of a BA from Arizona State in product administration.

Something clearly went missing along the way.

At the UN Human Rights Council, itself an ongoing joke, Madni delivered a speech filled with oddball references. He claimed that the “rise of violent extremism” can’t be blamed on a single religion, but did proceed to list everything from WW1, the arms trade and “the ideologies of nihilism, Stalinism, Nazism, McCarthyism and apartheidism.”

I’m not sure what McCarthy has to do with ISIS, but there you have it. At the very end, he does mention Islam. He also blames the “defeat of liberation movements” by neo-colonialists.

I have no idea what that means coming from an official appointed by a monarchy backed by colonial powers. Then again it’s not like any of this make sense.

“This is not mere history,” he claims, but “a context that we must search to identify the root causes of Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism…”

Daishism refers to ISIS. People are speculating that ‘parkinglotism” refers to the murder of 3 Muslims in Chapel Hill over a parking space. But good luck making sense of any of this. Except that the world is Islamophobic.

“This OIC position had to deal with an increasingly Islamophobic world,” he states. Then he pushes for the worldwide adoption of Islam’s blasphemy laws while claiming that he wants to take on incitement to hatred based on religion. This from a regime that teaches its kids that Jews are pigs and apes.

“We must show courage to openly discuss and address sensitive issues such as limits to freedom of expression,” he insists.

Then there’s an extended rant about the Jews and Hindus oppressing Muslims in Kashmir and Gaza. By oppress he means, refusing to let Muslims kill them.

Then he’s made at the Armenians, Burma and anyone else who refuses to let Muslims practice their religion by killing them. Finally the representative of a monarchy calls for eliminating inequality by 2030.

Drinking may be against Islam, but I suspect he was a whole laundry’s worth of sheets to the wind by then.

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