Author Topic: Dutch Muslim Students: ‘The Holocaust Is All Bullcrap!’  (Read 252 times)

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Dutch Muslim Students: ‘The Holocaust Is All Bullcrap!’
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:34:46 pm »
- The PJ Tatler - -

Dutch Muslim Students: ‘The Holocaust Is All Bullcrap!’

Posted By Michael van der Galien On March 7, 2015 @ 5:41 am In Europe | 13 Comments

What a wonderful enrichment of Dutch society:

A number of Dutch schools refrain from teaching about the Holocaust because of resistance from Muslim pupils, teachers told lawmakers.

The centrist Christian Union party held a roundtable discussion about Holocaust education with teachers and other professionals Wednesday in parliament in The Hague, The Algemeen Dagblad daily reported.

“Holocaust survivor Bloeme Evers does not dare give guest lessons in some schools,” Dutch parliamentarian Arie Slob says. “I am horrified by this. It is unacceptable that 70 years after the Holocaust, anti-Semitism in the Netherlands is growing.”

The MP isn’t exaggerating: as my own website De Dagelijkse Standaard reported earlier, antisemitism is on the rise everywhere in Europe. The culprits are young Muslims who are indoctrinated by radical Islam (which is quickly becoming mainstream Islam in the West) and who passionately hate Jews. The situation has become so bad that European Jews migrate to Israel en masse.

What’s worse, Dutch educators are actually giving in to their demands, instead of confronting them ferociously with the brutal truth about the Holocaust. They’ll only make matters. Instead, they should do the opposite: teach the Holocaust constantly, every single day, until young Muslims take it seriously.

Article printed from The PJ Tatler:

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