Author Topic: ISIS Uses Psychologists to Pick its Terrorist Media Stars  (Read 303 times)

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ISIS Uses Psychologists to Pick its Terrorist Media Stars
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:11:46 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

ISIS Uses Psychologists to Pick its Terrorist Media Stars

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 1, 2015 @ 11:17 pm In The Point | 1 Comment

The Islamic State’s propaganda operation may be less grass roots and more professional than we thought if one defector is to be believed.

So how did Mohammed Emwazi, the foot soldier, become “Jihadi John”, the awful symbol of Islamic State’s brutality?

“Isis have professional psychologists,” said Abu Ayman. “They know who to choose from the fighters and how to make them famous.”

“Still, there was nothing special about Jihadi John… anyone could have become like him.”

He continued: “The emirs give the orders – and in return you get promoted.

I asked him what his former comrades thought of “Jihadi John”. “Some love him,” he said.

“Some joined Isis after watching and admiring him; they take him as an example… ISIS play him like a piano. He’s a celebrity to attract our Muslim brothers in Europe.”

On the one hand Abu Ayman admits that any of the ISIS fighters would have done what Mohammed did. On the other he claims that he had to be chosen by psychologists. It’s not surprising that ISIS would have its own shrinks. Despite what Marie Harf thinks, the average Jihadist has a degree and a lot of their bigwigs are doctors, often pediatricians for some reason.

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