Author Topic: Here’s a Full List of the “Things I Trust More Than Barack Obama”  (Read 611 times)

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Here’s a Full List of the “Things I Trust More Than Barack Obama”


Conservative Tribune

President Barack Obama is a lying liar who lies about lying, and when called out on his obvious lies, will lie about lying about his prior lies.

But don’t think we are the only ones that feel this way. The truth is, a majority of Americans have seen Obama for the untrustworthy person that he is over the past six years.

Of course, anybody can simply say that they don’t trust Obama, but without any context or comparison, it is difficult to surmise just how untrustworthy our president really is in the eyes of most Americans.

What follows, then, is a list of just some of the things that the American people trust and put their faith in more than Obama.

Hopefully, this will put it in a little perspective.

“12 Things I trust more than Barack Obama”
1.Mexican tap water
2.A porcupine with a “pet me” sign
3.Bill Clinton
4.A fart while fighting the flu
5.An elevator ride with Ray Rice
6.Taking pills or a drink offered by Bill Cosby
7.A Bigfoot sighting
8.A Hillary Clinton war story reported by Brian Williams
9.Gas station sushi
10.Jimmy Carter
11.A Palestinian on a motorcycle
12.Pete Carroll coaching decisions

Sadly, all of these things and people inspire more trust and faith than the elected leader of our country (H/T Young Conservatives).

These are sad days for America, when other failed presidents look absolutely brilliant in comparison to our current one, and when people would rather hang out with rapists and abusers, or risk serious illness, injury or death, than believe the president of the United States of America.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 08:45:57 pm by rangerrebew »