Author Topic: Obama: Border Patrol Officers Who Do Their Job Will Face Consequences  (Read 506 times)

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Obama: Border Patrol Officers Who Do Their Job Will Face Consequences

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 27, 2015 @ 9:03 am In The Point | 12 Comments

Obama is being less and less subtle about his agenda and tactics every day. In this banana republic he’s running, border patrol officers who do their job will face the consequences. Meanwhile Obama praises illegal aliens.

Obama warned workers at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: implement executive amnesty, or else. He made the comments in a town hall event on immigration on MSNBC.

MR. DIAZ-BALART:  But what are the consequences?  Because how do you ensure that ICE agents or Border Patrol won’t be deporting people like this?  I mean, what are the consequences

OBAMA: José, look, the bottom line is, is that if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it…

What I can talk about is what’s true in the government generally. In the U.S. military when you get an order, you’re expected to follow it. It doesn’t mean that everybody follows the order. If they don’t, they’ve got a problem. And the same is going to be true with respect to the policies that we’re putting forward.”

Obama thinks that the border patrol, like the military, answers to him, rather than to the United States. I’m not sure which part of that is more troubling. Now that he’s decided to order ICE to break the law, what happens if he tells the military to break the law? I don’t currently see that happening, but it’s a question with troubling implications.

The rule of law in the United States depends on the people at the top following the law or the people below them refusing to accept illegal orders. Obama seems to think that he enjoys the same position as a military dictator. The Constitutional scholar doesn’t seem to know or accept any limitations on his power.

But first Obama needs to learn their name.

Border agent union spokesman Shawn Moran said Obama further disrespected agents by referring to them as “border control” when their proper title is Border Patrol.

“He needs to get the title right first and not jump the gun, so to speak, as to what is going to happen,” he said.

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