Author Topic: Scott Walker At CPAC: ‘We Celebrate Our Independence From The Government, Not Our Dependence On It’  (Read 404 times)

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Scott Walker At CPAC: ‘We Celebrate Our Independence From The Government, Not Our Dependence On It’

Posted By Alex Pappas On 5:44 PM 02/26/2015 In | No Comments

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker accused President Obama on Thursday of measuring success by how many people he can get dependent on government services, saying the opposite should be true.

Speaking to conservative activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Walker said: “We have a president who measures success in government by how many people are dependent on the government. We should measure success by just the opposite. By how many people are no longer dependent on the government.”

Thursday’s speech is one of Walker’s first big speeches since he has risen in the polls, establishing himself as an early frontrunner in the race for the Republican nomination in 2016.

“You see, here in America, there’s a reason we celebrate the 4th of July, and not April 15,” Walker told the crowd. “Because in America we celebrate our independence from the government, not our dependence on it.”

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