Author Topic: WARM ON WOMEN: UN Climate Chief Accused Of Sexual Harassment  (Read 262 times)

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WARM ON WOMEN: UN Climate Chief Accused Of Sexual Harassment
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:26:32 pm »

WARM ON WOMEN: UN Climate Chief Accused Of Sexual Harassment

02.20.2015 | Jerome Hudson | 2
Indian police are investigating whether Rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, sexually harassed a 29-year-old researcher shortly after she took a position at Pachauri’s Delhi-based Energy and Resources Institute.
Pachauri has denied the charges, Reuters reports. Pachauri was unavailable to comment and his lawyers refused to comment.

“There are a few charges we are investigating,” said one unidentified investigator.

Pachauri is heading up a colossal climate change confab in Paris in December where world leaders will vote on a new deal to curb “global warming.”

Pachauri  is also expected to speak at a major Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change event in Nairobi on Monday. No one will be surprised if he doesn’t show.

The UN Climate chief’s accuser could not be named. Her lawyers said the harassment involved unwanted emails, text, and WhatsApp messages.

Prashant Mendiratta, one of the accussers’s lawyers, said the victim had pleaded with Pachauri to refrain from sending her messages. He persisted anyway.

Pachauri is married and has one daughter.