Author Topic: Obama to Hold Talks w/Taliban Leaders He Freed  (Read 436 times)

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Obama to Hold Talks w/Taliban Leaders He Freed
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:21:54 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama to Hold Talks w/Taliban Leaders He Freed

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 19, 2015 @ 1:02 pm In The Point | 30 Comments

Now we know why Obama is freeing so many terrorists from Gitmo on any thin shred of an excuse he can find. He’s just looking for peace partners to negotiate with and appease all their legitimate grievances. (Like the Gitmo mashed potatoes having too many chunks, synagogues having too much security and Christian heads being too hard to chop off.)

Members of the Afghan Taliban were due to hold direct talks with American officials in Qatar on Thursday, two senior militants told NBC News.

The delegation is led by Tayyab Agha, a close aide of Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar, one of the sources told NBC News from Qatar. He added that it also includes five former Taliban commanders freed from Guantanamo Bay in a controversial exchange for American soldier Bowe Bergdahl in May 2014.

“Finally we are going to sit with each other. The first round of our talks with U.S. officials is being held today on Thursday,” that senior member of the Afghan Taliban said by the telephone. “We aren’t hopeful it will resolve all the differences in one day, [but] it can provide us an opportunity to study each other’s mind and pave the way for further talks.”

If these work half as well as the Iranian talks, the Taliban will have nuclear weapons and control three Middle Eastern countries by next year.

And Qatar, the state sponsor of Hamas, ISIS and Al Jazeera, is the perfect venue for these negotiations.

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