Author Topic: Has our government and media killed America’s virtue?  (Read 343 times)

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Has our government and media killed America’s virtue?
« on: February 19, 2015, 06:32:42 pm »

Has our government and media killed America’s virtue?

by John Velisek -  Feb 19, 2015

WASHINGTON, February 19, 2015 – Virtue was at one time important. It was the basis for our culture, our government, and was based on the individual being independent. A life based on a code of conduct that was followed if not by all, by at least a majority. It is what our founding documents are based on, what wars have been fought over, and the principle concept our lives used to based on.

Something has happened in this country, something our forefathers saw and attempted to place behind a barrier. Virtue, and the image of a lifestyle that put helping others, and being kind and generous have fallen.
We no longer can call politicians statesmen, but rather know them as influence peddlers out to get what they can.

No longer do they work for the good of the people, but wallow in the mire of special interest groups with no self control. How many of our politicians are rich men, and how many more are rich after getting into office. We have Nacny Pelosi setting her husband up to sell the closing post offices across the country, with a windfall profit of almost a billion dollars, and yet nothing is said.

Is this change in our country due to politicians alone, or is it the people who expect the government to care for them, the companies who expect bailouts, all those who want something for nothing. It seems to me that a great many in this country are willing to give up their virtue, if they can get something for it. You have those who seek preference from the government, seeking favor for one perceived slight or another.

Virtue and morality are gone. From the television, to schools, to everyday life.

Complain about it and you get called old fashioned or worse. It may be a silly thing to say, but do we really need half naked women and the suggestion of sex to sell everything we make? What happened to people living with good morals, working hard, advancing because of ability?

Perhaps more important is what happened to personal responsibility? Why do we allow some to make excuses about why they can’t advance, why everyone is against them, and they can survive without the government and taxpayers taking care of them. And when the get in that position, why don’t they try anything they can to get out?

Because personal responsibility and virtue are gone unless we the people bring it back. It is up to each of us that care to let our feelings be known. Don’t but a product whose advertising offends you. Pay attention to what they are teaching your children. Tell your political hack that things have got to change and the majority of the citizens in this country are not the idiots they perceive us to be.

It’s time, America. It’s time to get mad and demand that virtue and responsibility no longer be ignored.


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Re: Has our government and media killed America’s virtue?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2015, 06:42:01 pm »
From the article:

We have Nacny Pelosi setting her husband up to sell the closing post offices across the country, with a windfall profit of almost a billion dollars, and yet nothing is said.

I think the author means Dianne Feinstein's husband. The mistake, however, is understandable.