Author Topic: It Looks Like Obama Thinks The Beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians is Random Too  (Read 395 times)

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It Looks Like Obama Thinks The Beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians is Random Too

By Aaron Goldstein on 2.16.15 | 8:19PM

When President Obama commented Friday on the Chapel Hill shootings in which three Muslims were murdered in cold blood he made a point of stating, "No one in the United States of America should be targeted because of who they are, what they look like or how they worship."

If only the President could imagine the same level of passion when people are murdered because they are Jewish or Christian.

As we are painfully aware, Obama could not bring himself  to characterize the murder of four Jews who were murdered at the Hyper Cacher grocery store in Paris as anti-Semitic.

Well, nor does it seem, is the Obama White House capable of acknowledging the beheading of Egyptian Christians in Libya. The Obama Administration only acknowledges them as "Egyptian citizens". At least, the White House didn't call the act random - yet.

But can we really be surprised at such at reaction when President Obama tells us to get off our high horse about Islamic radicalism because Christians killed in the name of Christ a millenium ago?

In 2015, whether President Obama likes it or not, ISIS kills Christians and Jews in the name of Muhammad.
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