Author Topic: Why is Egypt Doing More to Protect Middle Eastern Christians Than Obama?  (Read 339 times)

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Why is Egypt Doing More to Protect Middle Eastern Christians Than Obama?

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 16, 2015 @ 10:37 am In The Point | 14 Comments

Obama’s illegal Libyan regime change war allowed Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and its assorted terrorist allies, including ISIS, to take over major parts of the country.

The brutal murders of Christians stemmed from Obama’s war.

Now Egypt has responded to the ISIS beheading of Coptic Christians by bombing ISIS targets in Libya. Meanwhile Obama, who caused this whole mess, put out the usual statement claiming that the Islamist murder of Christians had nothing to do with Islam.

Egyptian warplanes struck hard at ISIS militants in neighboring Libya a day after a sickening video surfaced showing the terror army’s black-clad militants beheading 21 Coptic Christians, footage that prompted Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi to vow revenge in an address to the world’s most populous Arab nation.

“Let those far and near know that Egyptians have a shield that protects them,” it said.

Egypt’s record on the treatment of Christians has been rather poor even under Mubarak and they are nowhere near to equal citizens, but nonetheless Egypt is doing more to protect Middle Eastern Christians than the United States.

A lot of the blame can be dumped on Obama. But it’s not just Obama’s reflexive solidarity with Islamists. The fact of the matter is that our foreign policy was long ago hijacked by the Gulf oil states and their Islamic special interests. Combine that with a variety of Muslim Brotherhood groups embedded domestically and the weight of the interest leans toward Mecca.

These days Americans have no shield that protects them in the Middle East. Egyptians do. If that was all that could be said of Obama, it would be enough.

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