Author Topic: MSNBC Host Suggests Ground Troops Against ISIS, Says ‘It’s A Religious War’ [VIDEO]  (Read 359 times)

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MSNBC Host Suggests Ground Troops Against ISIS, Says ‘It’s A Religious War’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 10:55 PM 02/16/2015 In | No Comments

MSNBC host Ed Schultz said during the opening monologue of “The Ed Show” that he believed the U.S. shouldn’t rule out ground troops in the fight against ISIS, and that the war against ISIS was clearly “a religious war.” (RELATED: Obama Statement On Christians Beheaded By ISIS Doesn’t Mention They’re Christians)

SCHULTZ:  It was a weekend of terror around the globe. In Libya, ISIS released a video showing more bloodshed. The video released on Sunday claims to show the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians. The brutal act of violence is clearly a gross display of what ISIS is capable of, what they’re motivated about, and what they are really all about. And I think this act of mass murder amounts to a religious war. Now we all have our own interpretations at this point. This continues to go on. At this point these people were targeted, as I see it, and murdered because of their faith.

As I see it, the United States is going to have to have continual [review] of its strategy. We can’t sit back here and watch hordes of people get their heads cut off. And why would we tell ISIS there’s no way we would ever put ground troops in combat situations? I think it has reached a point where we really have to have a very strong debate in this country. As I see it, it’s a religious war. What is going to turn back ISIS?

[h/t Newsbusters]

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