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Venezuela accuses 11 of plotting anti-Maduro coup


An ex-air force general has been arrested and more than 10 other people implicated in a plot to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, officials say.

The group planned to attack the presidential palace and other buildings, Mr Maduro said.

Congress head Diosdado Cabello said soldiers, opposition politicians and a businessman were involved.

The alleged coup attempt came a year after major street protests.

Announcing what he said was the thwarting of the latest attempt to overthrow him, Mr Maduro said: "We have foiled a coup attempt against democracy and the stability of our homeland,"

Mr Cabello said in a television broadcast that 11 soldiers were implicated, including a retired general.

He said several had been arrested and implicated, including two opposition politicians, and showed photographs of weaponry and other items he said had been seized.

Mr Cabello said the investigation into the coup plot was continuing.

However, opposition figures and the US said talk of a coup was implausible.

"The government makes up these stories about coups to avoid talking about how the country is breaking down," opposition coalition spokesman Jesus Torrealba said, according to the Associated Press.

In Washington, a state department spokeswoman called the idea "ludicrous".

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