Author Topic: Democratic Senator Says America Created ISIS, Killing Terrorists Makes Them Stronger  (Read 342 times)

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Democratic Senator Says America Created ISIS, Killing Terrorists Makes Them Stronger

By Joseph R. Carducci, February 14, 2015.
So, there are certainly many different opinions right now about how and why the Islamic State formed. With this in mind, I want to present a video from Connecticut Democratic Senator Chris Murphy. Just to be clear, he is not actually saying any of the more interesting things you might have heard about the Islamic State, like they were organized and formed by the US or the CIA nor is he saying anything about them being financed by America or other Western interests.

Murphy Says Killing Terrorists Makes Them Stronger

But what he is saying is kind of interesting. Listen for yourself:

So…are you shocked and/or amazed? What are your thoughts about this?

Here are mine:

Obama Failed to Keep The Peace

 For starters, the whole comparison to flatworms was silly. Although the point is interesting and somewhat true that resistance to terrorists can lead to creating new terrorists, if it is attacked in the wrong way. Of course, Obama is indeed attacking this problem in the wrong way. Just look at how his awful degrade and destroy strategy has worked in Yemen. This is the same strategy Obama used, or tried to use, in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq.

Yes, when we left Iraq we created more of a problem. But this was not because of any Bush era policies as the good Senator seems to be alluding to. Rather, it was because Obama was unwilling to get a status of forces agreement and just handed things over to the Iraqis, who were not really yet motivated enough to give real democracy a chance. This was easy to see and many people sounded the alarms that if Obama wasn’t careful, we would lose the peace and end up giving back all that we had worked so hard for over there. Indeed, this is what we see happening today.

Did our occupation breed this new brand of terrorist? Perhaps. But the main problem now is that we are once again failing to deal with the situation in the manner which is needed. While the Islamic State might indeed be the most well funded terror group in history and they have had some pretty significant military successes, as a military force they are still rather weak.

Obama Refusing to Crush ISIS, Repudiates Israel

If Obama really wanted to, the Islamic State forces could be crushed very quickly. The back of this insurgency could be broken. Heck, if we really put pressure on the Turks to send in their military, this war could be over in a month, maybe two. The IS simply doesn’t have the firepower to compete.

Another thing, Obama and many other Democrats (especially the most liberal) have taken to referring to this group as ISIL. Do you know why? Because this name means the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Well, the Levant is the area in which Israel calls home. So, this name is really the ultimate repudiation of the right of Israel and the Jewish state to exist. Obama and these liberals are basically flaunting their dislike or even hatred for Israel whenever they refer to these terrorists under that lesser used name. It is also indicative of the ultimate goals of the Islamic State to rule the entire Middle East and literally push Israel into the sea.

What do YOU think about all this?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 02:44:51 pm by rangerrebew »