Author Topic: Of Course Madison, Wis. Feminists Are Protesting And Boycotting ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ [VIDEO]  (Read 518 times)

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Of Course Madison, Wis. Feminists Are Protesting And Boycotting ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Eric Owens On 9:40 AM 02/14/2015 In | No Comments

Friday night was the exciting premiere of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” a 125-minute tour de smut — and sadism, and bondage — starring the private parts of Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan.

You won’t be surprised to learn that the radical feminists of America and the world are terribly unhappy.

Madison. Wis. was the site of a planned protest, reports Isthmus, a local alternative weekly.

Thistle Pettersen, who bills herself as an activist and organizer, spearheaded the picketing in Madison. She is following the lead of Radical Alliance of Women, a very leftist Melbourne, Australia-based outfit which has been trying to organize protests worldwide.

“I think most feminists agree that this movie is harmful to women who have experienced sexual abuse in their relationships and harmful to women in general,” Pettersen told Isthmus.

“Feminists are not prudes,” she added. “And it’s not that feminists are anti-sex. They’re just anti-violence being part of sex.”

Pettersen’s Facebook likes include Quoting Radical Feminists, Wipeout Lesbophobia, Indigenous Women Against the Sex Industry and Abolish Prostitution Now. Oh, and Cynthia McKinney.

Her photos set is peppered with cat imagery.

Pettersen also spoke to local Fox affiliate WITI-TV, stressing her problem with the Valentine’s Day release of the flick. (RELATED: This ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Teddy Bear Is The Perfect Gift For Your Smutty Valentine)

“It’s Valentine’s Day, and violence against women is not sexy. It’s not loving. It’s not romantic, and so I feel like we need to speak out against that,” she told the Fox station.

Pettersen confessed that she has not read “Fifty Shades” or any of the subsequent books. But she has totally read about the books.

“I have seen analyses of passages of the books where Ana, the female character, is not comfortable with her sexuality at all,” she told WITI.

Pettersen, by the way, is Internet famous for her amazing, epic 2012 rant about Scott Walker’s recall victory in Wisconsin. In that video, she calls herself a “frustrated” anarchist as she clutches a mobile phone. She says she seeks “mass rebellion.” She is “GOING TO FIGHT,” she promises.


The “Fifty Shades of Grey” novel by British author E. L. James has been massively successful since it was released in 2011. It is an account of a young college student who gets seduced by a sadomasochistic billionaire. It has spent weeks upon weeks in Amazon’s top 100 books and currently sits at #172 on Amazon’s list.

As you likely know, Madison, Wis. is a very left-leaning, big-time university town where spats involving feminists and feminism break out fairly routinely.

For example, in 2013, members of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Kappa Alpha Theta sorority chapter allegedly disrupted a performance of “The Vagina Monologues” by banging on theater windows. At some point, one sorority sister allegedly added her own vagina monologue by saddling up to a window and lifting up her skirt. (RELATED: Wisconsin Sorority Girls Disrupt Performance Of ‘The Vagina Monologues’)

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