Author Topic: Muslims Plotted to Stab “Blond People” in Kidneys for “Mighty Allah”  (Read 480 times)

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Muslims Plotted to Stab “Blond People” in Kidneys for “Mighty Allah”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 13, 2015 @ 9:23 am In The Point | 15 Comments

Apparently Mighty Allah hates blond people and wants his devout Muslim followers to stab them in the kidneys. Diversity. It’s everywhere you don’t want to be stabbed in the kidneys.

Mohammad Kiad, 25, and Omar Al-Kutobi, 24, were arrested in their shared squalid granny flat at Fairfield, western Sydney, on Tuesday afternoon, where a police raid allegedly uncovered a machete, a hunting knife, an Islamic State flag and a video featuring both the men, with one recorded making threats of carrying out an attack.

“I swear to almighty Allah we will carry out the first operation for the soldiers of the caliphate in Australia. I swear to almighty Allah, blond people, there is no room for blame between you and us. We only are you, stabbing the kidneys and striking the necks.”

No racism to see here. Notice the emphasis on race, blond hair. Islamic supremacism is closely linked to Arab xenophobia.

The Prime Minister this afternoon gave a graphic description of the video, which he was shown at a counter-terrorism briefing in Canberra this morning.

“Kneeling before the death cult flag with a knife in his hand and a machete before him one of those arrested said this: ‘I swear to all mighty Allah, we will carry out the first operation for the soldiers of the caliphate in Australia’,” Mr Abbott told parliament.

“I want to stress that we are a decent and tolerant people. We are a compassionate and free society but we will never allow evil people to exploit our freedom.”

Don’t worry. The Aussie left is already on this like ticks on a deer.

NSW Bar Association president Jane Needham, SC, said if the matter went to trial, the court might find it “impossible” to empanel a jury unaffected by the comments.

“That could even mean the men would not receive a fair trial because the jury has already made up its mind,” she told ABC Radio on Friday.

The police ought to release them then, with a knife, in the general vicinity of Jane Needham. And see how it goes from there. Her hair appears reasonably light colored. I’m sure these fine upstanding gentleman will not take it into their minds to stab her in the kidneys because Allah told them to.

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