Author Topic: New Walker Scandal: He Left College to Work at the Red Cross Because His Parents Needed Money  (Read 596 times)

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New Walker Scandal: He Left College to Work at the Red Cross Because His Parents Needed Money

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 12, 2015 @ 11:01 am In The Point | 41 Comments

Obama’s people can openly admit that he lied about the Libyan War and gay rights and you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story. It’s too busy finding scandals about another rising Republican.

According to the award-winning journalism of the Washington Post, Scott Walker was bad at French. And he had to drop out of college before completing it to work at the Red Cross.

At the time, the Journal Sentinel found, Walker was not close to graduating. After four years, he was at least 34 credits short — about one-quarter of the required total away from earning his degree, according to its report.

Walker’s disappearance from campus became a mystery that his political rivals seized on. As recently as 2013, the state’s Democrats were still alleging that he might have been kicked out for election-related misdeeds. They dropped that after Marquette officials told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Walker had left “in good standing.”

What friends remember is that Walker got a good job, at the American Red Cross office near campus. Some also remember hearing that one of his parents had a health problem or about financial stress on the family. A spokeswoman for Walker’s political committee declined to comment about those suggestions.

He still has not found the time to finish.

Sure. A successful governor should take the time to finish up a worthless degree. Because the media is whining about it.

Yalie, Howard Dean thinks that Scott Walker is unqualified because he doesn’t understand ‘science’. Or something.

SCARBOROUGH: Are you serious? You’re saying he might not be qualified because he didn’t finish college?

DEAN: I think there are going to be a lot of people who worry about that.

SCARBOROUGH: Do you worry about people that don’t finish college?

DEAN: I worry about people being President of the United States not knowing much about the world and not knowing much about science. I worry about that.

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, God. Let’s name the people that didn’t finish college that have changed this world.

DEAN: Harry Truman, who was a great president, there’s no question about it.

SCARBOROUGH: Did Bill Gates finish college?

DEAN: I think Bill Gates is a little on a different –nobody is accusing Scott Walker of having the intellect of Bill Gates.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, nobody is accusing Scott Walker of being dumb because he didn’t graduate from college except you.

DEAN: I didn’t say dumb, I said unknowledgeable.

Scott Walker was triple majoring in political science, philosophy and economics. Even short of a degree, he probably learned more than  Dean did for his finished BA in political science. The key word there being ‘economics’.

But as an ‘unknowledgeable’ person, maybe Howard Dean can explain to me how his back was so bad that it kept him out of Vietnam but doesn’t prevent him from skiing?

Maybe I don’t understand science as well as Dr. Dean, who could be a high school wrestling captain and then ski like crazy, but couldn’t go to Vietnam because of his bad back? Dr. Dean knows so much science, I’m sure he could explain it to us.

But this is a class issue. Even if Walker had his degree, it wouldn’t be good enough because it wasn’t from Yale or Harvard.

Living in the real world, Walker had to defer his education to help out his parents. Howard Dean and liberal elites can only sneer at that with contempt.

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