Author Topic: UK Wannabe Beheader: “Implement Sharia in UK, Kill Every Gay”  (Read 272 times)

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UK Wannabe Beheader: “Implement Sharia in UK, Kill Every Gay”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 11, 2015 @ 9:29 am In The Point | 6 Comments

Photo: Central News

Islam has yet to find a problem it can’t solve by killing a bunch of people.

Brustholm Ziamani, 19, was arrested in East London last August carrying a 12-inch knife and a pick hammer wrapped in an Islamic flag after boasting how he was going to ‘kill soldiers’.

He also put posts on Facebook under the name Mujahid Karim supporting Sharia law and stating he was ‘willing to die in the cause of Allah’, the jury heard.

In a letter, Brustholm, a convert to Islam, spelled out some of his ‘nothing to do with Islam’ motives.

“To my beloved parents. Wat im about to do is an obligation.

“Syrah 2:216 ‘Jihad holy fighting in Allah’s cause is ordained for you Muslims though you dislike it and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you Allah knows but you do not know’.

Kill people even if you think it’s wrong. That’s what Islam commands.

British soldiers heads will be removed and burend u cannot deafet the muslims we love to die the way you love to live my fellow muslim brothers these people want war lets kill them slaughter them and implement sharia in our lands and UK. Kill every gay, every Shia, every Les. Die the nonbelievers enuff iz enuff remove evil implent good. [sic]

Diversity wins again. Minus the diverse.

“Do not fear dz people at all shoot them all in the face n the chest burn the pubs with people in dere do not fear them at all be strong do not mix with Christians and Jews and non believers.

“Kill them all no pity but do not kill the women and children dont damage any trees or nature kuffar cant fight all the Christians will have to surrender.”

But nothing to do with Islam.

“I will fight in the cause of Allah and I plan to die a martyr and leave this world and enter the next inshallah. I love Allah and will follow everything he orders.

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