Author Topic: Crowds in Syria Cheer While Watching 'Burning of Pilot' Film  (Read 383 times)

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Crowds in Syria Cheer While Watching 'Burning of Pilot' Film
« on: February 08, 2015, 02:19:05 pm »
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Crowds in Syria Cheer While Watching 'Burning of Pilot' Film

The Islamic State has released a video (see below) showing crowds cheering as they watch the terror group’s film on the burning of the Jordanian pilot. The film was shown on what appears to be a continuous loop in a public square in Raqqa, Syria, the Islamic State’s de facto capital.

Titled “Muslims’ Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot,” the Arabic video features interviews from those in attendance. Particularly chilling are the words of a child, who appears to be about eight-years old.

“I am very happy that they burned him.," he says. "Had it been me, I would have burned him with my own hands. I hope that other pilots come. We will catch them and burn them. If another pilot will come, I will burn him myself, insha’allah [if God wills].”

As the pilot is lit on fire, the crowds can be heard yelling over and over, “Allahu Akhbar [God is great]!”

The camera focuses on individuals in the crowd and asks for their comments. One man featured in the video says, “He got exactly according to what he did. He shot rockets on Muslim children and on Muslim countries. That’s why he should be killed by fire. We have waited for a long time for this joyous event. I don’t recommend pilots to fly over areas within the Islamic State’s control. Their fate will be the same fate as his.”

Another man says, “I’m thrilled! The thing I liked the most was the fire. Whatever they do to you, do to them. They burn innocent people. This will be a lesson to them that this will be the fate of whoever attacks Muslims. This will be the fate of all the pilots that will come, if not worse.”

Yet another says, “We thank the good Lord who put the ability in the hands of the soldiers of the caliphate – the soldiers of the Islamic State – towards that dog [the pilot], that dog the apostate, the dog of Abdullah II. We call upon the Lord to give us the ability against all of the soldiers of the tyrants, whether it is Jordan or Egypt or all of the soldiers of America and France and He will give the ability against the soldiers of the Jews. We will destroy them until the last one. We say to the tyrants, what you just saw, the burning of Muath [the pilot], the dog, is just a simple lesson.”

Cutting short a visit to the United States, Jordan’s King Abdullah vowed to wage a “relentless” war against the Islamic State. “We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground,” he declared.

The following 22-second video (not from the Islamic State) shows the crowds cheering as the Jordanian pilot is burned (Warning: graphic content).     

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