Author Topic: Stop The Presses, Obama Releases National Security Strategy: Already Obsolete  (Read 308 times)

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Stop The Presses, Obama Releases National Security Strategy: Already Obsolete

By Joseph R. Carducci, February 7, 2015.

Maybe we were wrong. We have been talking for so long about Obama and his foreign policy and lack of any type of initiative and strategy. Then, we have also looked at Obama’s policy on national security. Unfortunately, we didn’t find anything to speak of there, either.

Obama Lacks Foreign Policy Smarts

In fact, I have reported more than once about how Obama seems to have no strategy for defeating our enemies or protecting our country. Think about it…this is the same President who, in the face of an Ebola epidemic actually takes measures to give more visas to people wanting to come to the country from infected nations. Is that step going to protect our country?

The same thing could be said for Obama’s ideas about open borders or his willful lack of enforcement of most of our current immigration laws. And his illegal executive action on amnesty. Or how he has dealt with virtually every country in the world. There are countless examples—Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iranian negotiations, even how his dealings have brought US-Israeli relations to the lowest point in history.

National Security Strategy Already Obsolete

President Obama has finally released an official National Security Strategy! That’s right, we should stop the presses and see what’s under the hood of this one. Unfortunately, if this were a car, it would be a Yugo, without an engine.


National Security Adviser Susan Rice formally released this strategy document at the Brookings Institution on Friday. As you might expect, this received mixed reviews. It repeated many of Obama’s controversial and debatable recent statements, such as the claim that talks have “stopped the progress of Iran’s nuclear program.” That is rather comical.

Oh, he is also is pledging to “seek a stable Yemen.” Too bad for him that on the very day this document was unveiled, Iranian-backed rebels took control of the country, forcing the US-backed President to step down. So, at least one element of this new ‘strategy’ is already obsolete.

Strategy Overlooks Threat of ISIS, Radical Islam

Maybe we should be happy since this document also advises “strategic patience and persistence.” It places heavy focus on non-military approaches to security like development and climate change. Interesting. By the way, you do remember when Secretary of State Kerry said that climate change was a bigger global threat than ISIS, right? Now, this has apparently been codified into Obama’s new strategy.

How about Islam? Of course, there was a lot of talk about Islam and that particular challenge, right? Nope, wrong again. In fact, Obama never mentions radical Islam. I have told you before, he just simply cannot utter those words due to his own faith and his radical Muslim advisers. The only mention of Islam at all is to defend it: “We reject the lie that America and its allies are at war with Islam.”

Another part of the Obama strategy for our own security is to shrink the US military, which has actually been a liberal goal since the Clinton administration. We are also going to maintain a “higher” threshold for the use of the military, although Obama did also pledge to maintain our military strength. Some of those goals seem to be in direct contradiction with each other.

What do YOU think? A great new plan, or the same thing as before? More leading from behind?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 10:50:46 am by rangerrebew »