Author Topic: The Countries Who Fight Terrorism Most Ruthlessly are… Muslim Countries  (Read 317 times)

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The Countries Who Fight Terrorism Most Ruthlessly are… Muslim Countries

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 3, 2015 @ 9:23 pm In The Point | 18 Comments

Jordan is responding to the ISIS video of its pilot being burned to death by executing an Al Qaeda prisoner at dawn. It’s the sort of thing we ought to be doing, but that no one in the White House is likely to do, even if Obama weren’t there.

But then again back in the seventies, Jordan ruthlessly put down the PLO. Assad Sr. put down the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama. Both involved urban fighting, lots of civilian casualties and very little concern for public opinion.

It’s the sort of thing that Israel couldn’t do which is why the PLO is sitting on Israel’s neck. Even the worst so-called atrocity blamed on Israel, at Sabra and Shatilla, was carried out by Arab Christians against Muslim terrorists.

It’s the sort of thing we don’t do, which is why we’re in the middle of an endless war.

In our defense, we have the media sitting on our necks. The King of Jordan doesn’t. He can order something like this with no lawyers, judges or reporters to stop him.

Muslim countries can’t be accused of Islamophobia. They’re rarely democratic and have little notion of human rights. Perversely that puts them in a much better position for fighting the kinds of insurgencies that we can’t manage.

American forces are most effective in large scale combat where we can use heavy firepower to do collectively what we refuse to do individually. So when fighting the Muslim Moros in the Philippines, who initially simply retreated behind fortifications, we could smash their insurgency with artillery. And even back then the left was accusing Americans of atrocities.

But a confused notion of rights prevents us from doing to one man what we can do to entire cities. So we wouldn’t shoot a prisoner at dawn as revenge. But we could bombard an area, killing multiple civilians, as a warning.

It’s a confused and incoherent standard. The Moros didn’t understand why we fought the way we did, but Muslim terrorists now understand our limitations all too well.

ISIS humiliates its enemies through atrocities. And Jordan, a Muslim country, can show its own strength in return. Meanwhile we’re stuck with a government that frees terrorists and refuses to name them. It doesn’t waste time playing with COIN or finding out who the moderates are. It’s free to simply kill its enemies.

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