Author Topic: Sierra Club: Saudi Arabia is Our Best Ally Against American Energy  (Read 269 times)

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Sierra Club: Saudi Arabia is Our Best Ally Against American Energy

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 2, 2015 @ 3:02 pm In The Point | 10 Comments

Wasn’t there a time when we used to do something about traitors? At least wasn’t there a time when there was a social penalty against openly aligning with a terrorist state that had a hand in the murder of 3,000 Americans?

There have been plenty of reports about anti-fracking activists being financed by Russia. James O’Keefe caught celeb environmentalists on tape being quite open to having their cause financed by oil sheiks.

And now the Sierra Club is making it official.

The House of Saud, the kingdom’s royal family, is “our best ally in the fight against Keystone XL,” according to Paul Rauber, the senior editor of Sierra, the bi-monthly magazine published by the Sierra Club, a leading environmentalist group.

But Paul goes well beyond Keystone, writing,

we have another, even more potent ally in the fight: the House of Saud. Rather than cutting back production in order to stabilize oil prices, the world’s largest oil producer is keeping its petroleum taps wide open, hoping to drown upstart competitors in Canada, North Dakota, and Russia in a sea of cheap oil.

Today the price of West Texas intermediate crude oil is $44.80 a barrel. Canadian oil-sands producers need a price of between $65 and $75 a barrel to be profitable. Existing production is somewhat protected by long term contracts, but prices like that are sure to stifle new production–and put the hurt on sellers of expensive, dirty oil to new customers.

Your average environmentalist hates America more than he loves the planet. Al Gore selling out to the terror state of Qatar was just another reminder of that. Their goal is to punish the working class and middle class with high energy prices.

If Saudi Arabia helps them do it, so much the better.

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