Author Topic: Cowboy Rodeo Fans in Texas Are OUTRAGED by the Person Selected to Give Opening Prayer  (Read 308 times)

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Cowboy Rodeo Fans in Texas Are OUTRAGED by the Person Selected to Give Opening Prayer

By Editor |  18 views

Rodeo fans attending the Texas, Fort Worth Stock Show – a local rodeo – were not pleased by how far the event’s organizers went in selecting a more diverse group of faith leaders to give opening prayer. This time, they selected: Imam Moujahed Bakhach.

It doesn’t appear that fans were opposed to Bakhach personally, but at this event – which usually has Evangelical Christian themes – they didn’t want to have someone from a faith which is abused by Islamic terrorists give the prayer:

The Stock Show has become more diverse this year as officials have let more groups offer prayers before the start of events. But the Facebook page for the 23-day event lit up this week after Moujahed Bakhach of the Islamic Association of Tarrant County led the public prayer Sunday night.
While many of the comments on the Stock Show’s Facebook page were supportive of the more inclusive prayer policy, most were not.

Opposition seemed directed not personally at Bakhach or his words but at the inclusion of a member of the Islamic clergy during a time of violence involving Muslim terrorists.

A sampling of the sentiments expressed: “I for one won’t attend an event that allows a darkness to be spoke over me,” “Muslim/Islam has no place in this country” and “I just will choose NOT to go somewhere that embraces a religion that wants me, my family and my people DEAD.”

On Wednesday, the Stock Show posted: “We would like to take this opportunity to separate fact from fiction: There was never a Muslim prayer — or a prayer of any specific religion at the Stock Show.”

The Fort Worth Stock Show has long had a Christian tone, from the evangelical-like comments of announcer Bob Tallman to the growing popularity of Cowboy Church, held Sunday mornings in Will Rogers Auditorium.

via Dallas News

However, other’s defended the Imam on Facebook. For example, this comment was posted:

Kudos to FWSSR for leading the way and understanding that America is a country of immigrants. Thanks for showing love and not hatred by showing tolerance for all religions; as Freedom of Religion applies to every American, even if they don’t look like you or believe what you believe,” one person wrote.

What do you think about an Imam giving the opening prayer at this Texas rodeo? Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think.

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