Author Topic: The ATF Attacks a Patriot to Cover Up Fast and Furious!  (Read 344 times)

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The ATF Attacks a Patriot to Cover Up Fast and Furious!
« on: February 01, 2015, 05:12:41 pm »

The ATF Attacks a Patriot to Cover Up Fast and Furious!

By Gary Fouse   / 31 January 2015   / 51 Comments   
Jay Dobyns is a retired ATF agent who worked in Phoenix, Arizona - the same office that was in the heart of the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. Dobyns was outspoken in his criticism of that scandal while he was involved in his own controversy with his agency. Now a federal judge, Francis Allegra, who has already ruled in Dobyns' favor in his own lawsuit, has issued harsh words for DOJ attorneys who tried to smear the ex-agent.

Operation Fast and Furious, which was a side issue in the Dobyns story, is arguably the biggest scandal in the DOJ under Eric Holder's tenure. There is little doubt at this point that Holder and his underlings (and maybe his superior, the President) are engaged in a massive cover-up to conceal the fact that F and F was their own creation. No ATF street agent in Arizona would have concocted a scheme to allow thousands of guns purchased in the US to be smuggled into Mexico. That had to have been concocted in Washington at the highest levels of the DOJ. In my opinion, Holder has repeatedly committed perjury when denying his involvement before Congress.

Dobyns, besides having his own case against DOJ and his previous employers at ATF, is also a whistle blower in Fast and Furious. This latest disclosure, courtesy of a federal judge, once again underlines the corruption that has engulfed the Justice Department under Holder.