Author Topic: McCain: 'I Will Not Stand for Cowards and Bullies'  (Read 335 times)

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McCain: 'I Will Not Stand for Cowards and Bullies'
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:37:59 am »

McCain: 'I Will Not Stand for Cowards and Bullies'

Saturday, 31 Jan 2015 07:23 PM

By Sandy Fitzgerald

Sen. John McCain, who threatened to have Code Pink protesters arrested as they confronted 91-year-old former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger during a hearing this past week, Saturday asked his supporters through a fundraising letter for 1 million pledges to show them their antics won't work.

 "I will not stand for cowards and bullies who disrespect America's heroes," McCain said in a strongly-worded email Saturday. "I will not stand for our nation's military to be further eroded and our foreign policy to be one of 'leading from behind.' "

 McCain, the new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also railed against President Barack Obama in his email, saying he has "run our nation and our military into the ground."

"His policies have spread the perception of American weakness and fostered a disrespect for our nation and our Armed Forces," said McCain. "As the new chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I am determined to place our nation on a stronger and more secure path."

 And, he says that's why he told Cold Pink protesters confronting Kissinger to "get out of here, you low-life scum," as "only unpatriotic individuals would disrespect a great American public servant in this manner."

 He said he hopes to gather 1 million pledges for his "I respect America" pledge to show these "liberal hecklers" that Americans don't accept them, and to help in his efforts to stand up to Obama "and anyone else who tries to further weaken our military and America's national security."

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