Author Topic: Rep. Peter King's Terror Plan: 'Find Them and Kill Them'  (Read 318 times)

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Rep. Peter King's Terror Plan: 'Find Them and Kill Them'
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:31:15 am »

Rep. Peter King's Terror Plan: 'Find Them and Kill Them'

Saturday, 31 Jan 2015 08:35 PM

By Sandy Fitzgerald

The beheading of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto is a "further wake-up call to the world and to America that we're not dealing with human beings," Rep. Peter King said Saturday evening.

 "[We're] not dealing with people that you can negotiate with or people that there is reasoning with," the New York Republican, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, told Fox News. "These are just brutal savages and the only way to stop this is to find them and kill them. There is no way they can be reformed or changed or negotiated with."

King said there is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the online video, released Saturday and purporting to show an Islamic State militant beheading the journalist, ending days of negotiations by diplomats to save him.

 "I strongly doubt that the Japanese prime minister would come forward if there was any doubt at all," King said, "so we have to assume that the tragedy has gone forward and that he is dead and this is one more savage act by ISIS."

 Fox News analyst K.T. McFarland earlier suggested putting a bounty on the heads of terrorists, and King agreed that bounties, along with several other strategies could work.

I think bounties can work ... we should attempt that," said King. "But also one of the problems with us pulling out of Iraq the way we did and also the fact we have no troops in Syria at all, we have very little intelligence presence on the ground and we really are not close to what's happening over there. We have to be able to get intelligence assets on the ground in Iraq."

 Getting intelligence is difficult, however, without military support, he said.

 "If we had a military presence there, that would give us more of an intelligence presence and those assets could enable us to have a better chance of finding out what's happening," said King.

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