Author Topic: What Sheriff Joe Just Said Will Have Obama And His Liberal Attack Dogs Howling Mad  (Read 302 times)

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What Sheriff Joe Just Said Will Have Obama And His Liberal Attack Dogs Howling Mad

"America's Toughest Sheriff" makes his move...

   Norvell Rose — January 30, 2015

He says it will be “the toughest campaign I have ever run.” But that would seem to be the right kind of fight for Joe Arpaio, “America’s Toughest Sheriff.”

In an email sent to friends and supporters, the 82-year-old Sheriff Joe says he has decided to run for a seventh term as the top lawman in Arizona’s Maricopa County.

The email blast that went out today asks recipients to sign a “personalized ‘I STAND WITH JOE’ re-election support pledge immediately.”

Sheriff Joe also asks for financial support, saying that fighting the recall battle last year “severely drained my campaign account.”

Arpaio notes that in his six consecutive terms as Sheriff of Maricopa County, he has vigorously pushed back against “radical leftists, law-enforcement bashing demagogues.”

Recently, Sheriff Joe scored a win in that push-back effort as he took a local civil rights activist through a training exercise that changed his opinion of law enforcement officers and their demanding duties.

Western Journalism reported on that experience, as well as Arpaio’s follow-up invitation to Al Sharpton to go through the same kind of eye-opening training.

So far, there’s been no word from Sharpton as to whether he’ll take up Arpaio on his offer.

In the email announcing his decision to run for re-election, Arpaio specifically mentioned President Obama as an adversary, as well as other liberal individuals and organizations who have for years opposed him and his tough stands against illegal immigration and Obama’s unilateral move to provide millions of illegal immigrants with sweeping amnesty.

“As you are aware, going up against Barack Obama’s political machine, Hollywood leftists and their millions as well as a hostile local and national media is extremely expensive, which is why I need your financial support.”

One of the ways Sheriff Joe has gone up against Obama is in his dogged pursuit of the truth regarding the president’s birth certificate, the authenticity of which the Arpaio “posse” has repeatedly questioned.

At the same time that he launched his bid for re-election, Arpaio and his legal team sought to advance their lawsuit aimed at invalidating Obama’s executive action on amnesty.

An appellate brief was filed in D.C. Circuit Court arguing that a lower court had committed a “gross legal error” when it abruptly dismissed the Sheriff’s suit.

Arpaio is no stranger to high-profile litigation, having been on the receiving end of several legal actions brought against him by Eric Holder and the Department of Justice, including one filed last year.

As the Associated Press notes in a post on the website of the ABC affiliate in Phoenix: “The lawsuit alleges the sheriff’s office has racially profiled people, retaliated against critics and punished Latino jail inmates with limited English skills for speaking Spanish.”

Showing a tinge of western wit in his Friday email to supporters, Sheriff Joe also took a jab at the liberal media he identified as lined up against his re-election efforts: “A hostile national and local press corps that actually gets the weather right more than anything they report about me.”