Author Topic: Ex-Muslim Brotherhood Imam: Muslims Hate Christians, are Time Bombs  (Read 285 times)

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Ex-Muslim Brotherhood Imam: Muslims Hate Christians, are Time Bombs

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 29, 2015 @ 10:18 am In The Point | 15 Comments

This video is interesting especially considering the background of the man in it.

On a Friday sermon in the Brooklyn Oulel-Albab Mosque, Imam Tareq Yousef Al-Masri spoke about the terror attacks in Paris, and said that Muslims are like time bombs. He further said that Muslims should admit that they hate Christians.

Tareq Yousef Al-Masri: The crisis in France casts its shadow upon us. The two brothers who stormed the offices of the [Charlie Hebdo] magazine, which published offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and affronted the Muslims, just as it affronts others… This is a satirical magazine, which is well known as such. This magazine knows no limits when it comes to freedom of speech.

It is peculiar that two years ago, during the Boston [marathon], it was two brothers, of Chechen origin, and now, we have two brothers – of Algerian origin, I think. What’s the story with brothers? What’s the story with that all-destructive ideology?

Let us admit, without lying to ourselves, that we, the Muslims, are time bombs. When I say “we, the Muslims,” I do not mean every single Muslim, but Muslims of the religious sector are time bombs. When a sinner repents, the first thing he does is make a bomb. He blows it up and kills people.

We must admit this. We cannot become immune if we do not admit this. If you have cancer, it won’t help you if I tell you that you have the flu. I must tell you that you clearly have cancer. When someone has cancer, they run a series of tests, in order to identify the cause of this cancer. They don’t just say that this cancer is an act of God. Everything comes from Allah, but this should not prevent us from studying the underlying reasons for this cancer.

Imam Tareq Yousef Al-Masri has had a bit of an oddball background in the United States. He most recently gained attention for allegedly being involved in a dating scandal and during the Coptic murders, but before that he had been subject to attempted deportation. Al-Masri claimed that it was for refusing to cooperate with the FBI. The interesting thing about it though was his background.

Sheik Tarek Saleh, the Bay Ridge cleric who is suing the government, said he welcomed F.B.I. agents at his storefront mosque after 9/11 when they asked about his kinship with Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, a high-ranking Al Qaeda militant and his cousin’s husband.

Sheik Saleh, 46, said he repeatedly discussed Mr. Yazid as well as his own former membership in the Muslim Brotherhood, a sometimes-violent political movement he joined as a teenager in Egypt and disavowed years later. But when he refused to travel overseas to spy on Mr. Yazid, he said, agents told him to forget his pending application for permanent residence.

Yazid was a fellow Egyptian and the financial boss of Al Qaeda. Calling him high-ranking is an understatement.

Saleh was a Brotherhood member back in Egypt. We have no details about his time there. His speech emphasizes support for greeting Christians on their holidays. This was, interestingly enough, one of the differences between Al Azhar and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Considering his Egyptian background and the current emphasis, it seems likely that Saleh is aligned with the Sisi government. What you’re hearing isn’t one man speaking out, as some have been saying, but an echo of Cairo.

The implications of that are interesting since it suggests that Egypt is now setting religious policy beyond its borders. And while the message, for now, is heartening, remember that it can shift on a dime.

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