Author Topic: Can the Media Please Stop Quoting Bill Nye as a Science Expert  (Read 483 times)

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Can the Media Please Stop Quoting Bill Nye as a Science Expert
« on: January 29, 2015, 12:06:03 pm »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Can the Media Please Stop Quoting Bill Nye as a Science Expert

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 28, 2015 @ 8:41 am In The Point | 50 Comments

Calling yourself the “Science Guy” does not mean that you are an expert on anything. It means you’re the host of a kids show.

Instead Bill Nye is being interviewed as if he were an expert on every possible topic from footballs to evolution. He’s out there blaming the blizzard on Global Warming; a subject that, like most other things, he knows nothing about.

Bill Nye was an aspiring comedian who wasn’t funny and so began doing edutainment for kids instead. He has no PhD. He has a BS in mechanical engineering.

Every few years Nye fills out the astronaut application and goes in for his astronaut physical. And every few years he is rejected. His degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University isn’t enough. Nye says he needs a Ph.D. to be an astronaut.

“Physically, athletically and as project man, a solver of mechanical problems, a tinkerer, I am as good as anybody,” he says. “I’d love to get a Ph.D in applied physics or fluid mechanics, but that’s a seven- or eight-year commitment.”

Being an astronaut would help him change the world, he says. He considers changing the world to be a lifelong goal.

You can see why NASA rejected him. Bill Nye, like most lefties, wants to change the world. He just doesn’t want to make any commitments. (Also he’s athletically as good as anyone? Seriously?)

It’s not clear when he last worked in his actual field, but it would seem that he hasn’t done it in decades.

But then he began yelling a lot about Creationism, which caught the attention of lefty clickbait sites staffed by millenials who grew up with his kids show, and began treating him as an expert on everything.

So now we have Bill Nye being quoted on life after death, football pressure and evolution. Not because he’s an expert, but because he’s a celebrity. And unlike Tyson, he’s not even a celebrity scientist.

Just a celebrity. And a fifth rate one at that.

Bill Nye is a comedian who wanted to change the world by becoming an astronaut but wouldn’t take the time to get a PhD. Now he got his wish because media standards have fallen so far into the toilet that it will quote anyone who agrees with them and whose material might go viral.


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