Author Topic: ABC's Stephanopoulos Frets Over Bobby Jindal Mentioning 'God' at Religious Event  (Read 317 times)

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ABC's Stephanopoulos Frets Over Bobby Jindal Mentioning 'God' at Religious Event
By Kyle Drennen | January 26, 2015 | 4:32 PM EST
Leading off an interview with Bobby Jindal on ABC's This Week on Sunday, host George Stephanopoulos played a clip of the Louisiana governor and potential Republican 2016 contender speaking about his faith during a religious event on Saturday: "We can't just elect a candidate and fix what ails our country. We can't just pass a law and fix what ails our country. We need a spiritual revival to fix what ails our country. It is like God has given us the book of life....And on the last page, our God wins."

Turning to Jindal, Stephanopoulos was aghast: "Is it the job of a president to lead a spiritual revival? And I was struck by the final line, 'Our God wins.' How do you think that lands in a country of 320 million people of many different kinds of spirituality, many different kinds of faith, many who believe in no god at all?"
Jindal pushed back: "You know, it is a time-honored tradition going back to our nation's founding for our presidents, for our leaders to turn to God for guidance, for wisdom. George Washington did it, Abraham Lincoln did it, Harry Truman did it. So absolutely I think this idea of praying to God for wisdom and guidance is as old as our country."
Here is a transcript of the January 25 exchange:

10:13 AM ET

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Now we turn to one of the top GOP contenders not in Iowa yesterday. Instead, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal headlined a massive prayer rally called The Response in Baton Rouge.

BOBBY JINDAL: We can't just elect a candidate and fix what ails our country. We can't just pass a law and fix what ails our country. We need a spiritual revival to fix what ails our country. It is like God has given us the book of life. He doesn't let us see the pages for today and tomorrow. He doesn't promise us everything will go the way you want. But he does let you see the last page in the book of life. And on the last page, our God wins.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Governor Jindal joins us now. Thank you so much for joining us this morning, Governor Jindal. Let me begin with that rally yesterday. I know you said it was a religious event and not a political event. But is it the job of a president to lead a spiritual revival? And I was struck by the final line, "Our God wins." How do you think that lands in a country of 320 million people of many different kinds of spirituality, many different kinds of faith, many who believe in no god at all?

JINDAL: George, first off, thank you for having me. You know, it is a time-honored tradition going back to our nation's founding for our presidents, for our leaders to turn to God for guidance, for wisdom. George Washington did it, Abraham Lincoln did it, Harry Truman did it. So absolutely I think this idea of praying to God for wisdom and guidance is as old as our country.

Secondly, look, I think we're a diverse country. Obviously, a majority of our people are Christians, but we don't discriminate against anybody. And that's one of the great things about America – we believe in religious liberty. Yesterday was an amazing, amazing event. Thousands of people came together to worship and pray, across racial lines, across political lines. I thought it was a great, great event and I hope you'll see more of these across the country.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I'm sure we will.

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