Author Topic: Taliban Not Okay w/Girls Learning to Read, Okay w/Blowing Them Up  (Read 372 times)

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Taliban Not Okay w/Girls Learning to Read, Okay w/Blowing Them Up

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 26, 2015 @ 10:22 am In The Point | 5 Comments

The Taliban and Boko Haram are both murder on girls learning to read. But they are offering little girls an alternative to education.

Suicide bombing. (via Religion of Peace)

A 10-year-old girl was forced to carry out suicide attack after she was abducted by Taliban group in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan.

The Afghan Intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Sunday that the little girl was identified as Gulsoom who was abducted by a Taliban commanden Shujahuddin from Baba Jee area of Lashkargah city.

A statement by NDS said the Taliban group was looking to carry out a suicide attack on Afghan security forces by forcing the girl to carry a school bag full of explosives.

The statement further added Gulsoom managed to flee and surrender herself to Afghan security forces before Taliban militants manage to detonate the explosives.

Militants? Is that what we’re calling people who booby trap children? Or maybe like Obama, we can just call them folks. Maybe these were even Biden’s moderate Taliban?

Using 10-year-old girls as suicide bombers seems to be the hot Jihadist trend this year, especially for groups that murder girls who want to read.

Boko Haram, the Islamic State in Nigeria, did it first.

A girl perhaps no more than 10 years old detonated powerful explosives concealed under her veil at a crowded northern Nigeria market on Saturday, killing as many as 20 people and wounding many more.

Several witnesses said it appeared that the girl might not have been aware of her deadly burden. Bakura Bashir, a shopper who witnessed the explosion, said: “This girl may not necessarily know she was conveying a timed bomb. The girl was torn into two halves, and half of her body was thrown across buildings by the devastating blast.”

“It’s something quite new, and it’s disturbing, using these young, young girls wearing hijabs,” the official said, referring to the Muslim veil.

Islam is always finding something new and disturbing and making it old hat.


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